‘What in God’s name is going on here?’ came a stunned voice from beyond the circle of armed men around me. ‘Who are you people? Leave! Get off this property immediately! This is the House of the Marquess-’

‘-of Ambrose,’ finished Mr Ambrose’s cool, composed voice. ‘I know.’

‘M-master Rikkard?’


‘Master Rikkard, who are these people?’ The crowd parted, revealing the started face of Elsby, the steward. ‘What do they want? Why-’

Then he caught sight of me.

His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. Only with the admirable restraint of a domestic servant who had trained his whole life to bear the shenanigans of the upper classes with perfect dignity did he manage to keep his jaw from dropping to the floor.

‘Miss…Miss Linton?’

‘I’m so glad to see you, Elsby,’ I told him with a smile, and tugged at the dirty trousers peeking out under my dress. ‘I feel that I am in need of a change of clothes. Would you be so kind as to have a maid bring something appropriate to my room?’

‘Of course, Miss. Immediately, Miss.’ The steward bowed and was already turning around when Mr Ambrose’s sharp command held him back.


‘Yes, Master Rikkard?’

‘Not. One. Word. To. Anyone.’

‘Certainly, Master Rikkard.’

Taking my arm in an iron grip, Mr Ambrose pulled open a back door and rushed me into the house.

‘Concerned for my reputation, are you?’ I whispered up at him.

‘No. For Karim’s.’

‘Oh, that’s so sweet!’

My armed guard surrounding me in a protective shield, I was escorted swiftly to my room. Mr Ambrose, Adaira and Karim stayed with me the whole time, and if any servants caught sight of my circle of guards, I noticed nothing of it apart from the squeals they made as they were shoved out of the way. To be honest, I was glad for it. The exhaustion of the last day was finally catching up with me. I guess kidnapping takes its toll on you. I just about managed to stagger a

long with Mr Ambrose supporting me on one side and Adaira on the other.

Finally, we came to a halt in front of a familiar door.

‘Open,’ Mr Ambrose commanded, and Karim hurried to obey. I was dragged inside like a very tired, badly dressed sack of potatoes. Ignoring Adaira’s protestations that she should be the one to help me, and what in God’s name did her brother think, entering a lady’s room like that, Mr Ambrose picked me up and carried me the last few steps to the bed. More gently than I would have believed him capable of, he lowered me to the mattress.

A moment later, Adaira appeared beside me.

‘Oh, my poor dear! Are you all right?’

‘Of course,’ I wanted to say. ‘Why wouldn’t I be all right?’

But what came out sounded more like ‘O-of ck-ckoco…cor…’

That was when I realised that my teeth were chattering.

‘Oh Lord! She’s going into shock!’[15]

‘F-feet,’ I managed. ‘Off…f-feet…!’

‘She’s hallucinating!’ Bending forward, Adaira began to gently stroke my forehead. ‘Don’t worry. Your feet haven’t fallen off. If you don’t see them, that’s just in your imagination.’