Whatever it was, it must have been…dear Lord, I didn’t even want to think about it. Something bad enough for a father to throw his own son out of the house…bad enough for the son to want to go, and never come back…

I shuddered.

‘That, Miss Linton, is none of your concern.’ Lord Dalgliesh gave me a smile. It was the kind of smile I was very used to seeing on the faces of gentlemen - an ‘oh you are only a weak-minded female, you could not possibly understand’ smile. ‘Don’t bother your pretty head with the details.’

I narrowed my eyes at him. Time to shoot back. ‘Details like the fact that he returned?’

His Lordship stiffened.

‘After you left, after you had ruined his life… You forgot about him, didn’t you?’ I guessed. ‘You thought he was insignificant. A lowly, penniless insect not worth your exalted attention. Then he began to rise in the world. And when you finally noticed, it was too late. He was already too powerful for you.’

A muscle in his face twitched.

‘He never was too powerful for me.’

‘Indeed?’ I raised an eyebrow. ‘What about the bandits in Egypt he destroyed? The assassination attempts he survived? You desperately want to get rid of him, because you know that step by step, stone by stone, he is dismantling your empire. But you can’t. He’s stronger than you.’

His fists slammed into the wall on either side of me. I had to fight hard not to flinch, but somehow, I managed it.

‘Have a care, Miss Linton,’ he breathed, his aquiline face only inches away from mine, steel-blue eyes alight with menace. ‘I need you alive. I do not necessarily need you intact.’ He dragged in a deep breath, struggling to bring himself back under control. Finally, a shadow of his former arrogant smile reappeared on his face. ‘We’ll see how powerful Rikkard Ambrose really is very soon - when I send him your little finger on a platter.’

My mouth suddenly felt very dry.

‘What are you hoping to accomplish? To lure him into a trap and kill him? He won’t be that stupid!’

‘Kill him?’ The smile on his Lordship’s face grew broader, and a look entered his eyes that I did not like. I did not like it at all. ‘Why would I want to kill him?

It was only then that the full horror of the situation sank in. If Lord Dalgliesh didn’t want Mr Ambrose dead, that could only mean…

‘He’ll be much more useful to me alive,’ his Lordship continued, his breath tickling my face in a way that made me want to jump out of my own skin. ‘With him under my thumb…can you imagine the things I could accomplish? It’s not just the combined resources, it’s the fact of my worst enemy suddenly working for me. All the people who have dared to cross me over the years - the Americans with their silly notions of freedom, the Chinese fighting against the opium trade, those pesky peasants and reformers in India - will be swept aside. No more flocking to the banner of Rikkard Ambrose! From now on, there will be order and rule within the British Empire!’

‘And I’m guessing it won’t have much to do with its Queen?’

‘Ha!’ His Lordship let out a bark of laughter. ‘That green girl? As if she could ever accomplish anything!’

You’d be surprised what girls can accomplish.

However, I didn’t say that out loud. I had a feeling that His Lordship wasn’t the kind of man to listen. Besides…deeds spoke far better than words.

My hand crept into the folds of my skirts, searching until it felt something hard. I had to work to suppress a smile.

‘Well, it’s been lovely chatting with you, Miss Linton.’ Straightening, Lord Dalgliesh pulled on his gloves, and picked up his hat from where he’d hung it on a nail protruding from the wall. ‘But I’m afraid I have to go now. I have to meet a few of my men and lead them to this place. They will be escorting you to your new, permanent lodgings, and aiding in the removal of a digit to send to Mr Ambrose.’

‘How very kind of them.’

‘Yes, they are true gentlemen.’ He gave me a smile that chilled my bones. ‘Brewer, stay here and keep an eye on her, will you? We don’t want her to take a walk and get lost in the woods.’

‘Yes, My Lord. Should I bind her, My Lord?’

‘Good God, no!’ Lord Dalgliesh gave a short, sharp laugh. ‘She’s not one of those vicious street rats you’re used to dealing with, Brewer! She’s a lady. She can’t tie her own shoes without a man’s help.’ Throwing me a last, mocking look, he lifted his head. ‘Au revoir, Miss Linton.’

And he strode out of the hut.

What a pity. I had hoped he’d stay for the fun.

I wonder…what would it take to convince Lord Dalgliesh that I’m not quite the conventional lady?

Under my skirts, my hand closed around the aforementioned hard object. A smile curved my lips.