‘These men…they had their guns trained on Dalgliesh during that whole little confrontation out in the courtyard, didn’t they?’

‘Certainly. What do you think I pay them for?’

Take him by surprise? Ha! He was Mr Rikkard Ambrose. Slowly, a grin began to tug at the corners of my mouth. We were on more even footing than I had thought.

And besides…even if those men hadn’t been there, there had been one more gun trained on Dalgliesh in that moment. One that nobody, not even Mr Ambrose, had known about.

You want war, Dalgliesh? All right, you can have it!

‘What do you think he’s planning?’ I whispered, right into Mr Ambrose’s chest.

‘I have no idea. But whatever it is, it’ll have to wait for tomorrow.’

Only then I noticed how dark it had gotten around us. The fire in the hearth was the only source of light in the room now. Not even the moon, hidden behind thick clouds as it was, sent a sliver of light in through the windows. Exhaustion flooded over me. Captain Carter, all those ladies, Lord Dalgliesh…it all suddenly became too much. I could see it in Mr Ambrose, too. In the light of the flames his face was still an impassively perfect mask, but that tension in his shoulders…

He was just as exhausted as I was.

But how could one sleep in a house that held the world’s worst enemy?

Mr Ambrose, apparently, had an answer to that ready. A determined hand grasped me by the shoulder, pushing me forward. Before I knew what was happening, I found myself stumbling through the connecting door into his room, where Karim was waiting, a silent sentinel in the corner.

‘What…what are you doing?’

‘You are going to share my bed tonight, Mr Linton.’

‘I’m going to what? But I-’

His eyes flashed in the darkness. ‘No buts! Do you think I would dare letting you out of my sight while Dalgliesh is within ten miles of this place?’

It was the tremor in his voice that did it. It was so, so slight…hardly detectable with the human ear. But I heard it. He wasn’t simply being dictatorial. He was scared. Scared for me.

I nodded. ‘All right.’

I felt his arms tighten around me. Looking up, Mr Ambrose met the eyes of his bodyguard, and in that one look conveyed a command as unshakable as any of the Ten Commandments.

Karim nodded. ‘I shall stand guard before your door.’

Then, to my utter shock, he turned to me and, in a voice that almost sounded…kind? He said, ‘Do not fear, Sahiba. I shall defend this door with my last breath. No one will cross this threshold as long as I have life in my body.’

And before I could reply, he stepped outside and turned, taking up his guard position in front of the door, from which I knew he would not move unless hell broke loose. The door slid shut with a click, and the tension in my body that up until this point I hadn’t realised was there, eased the tiniest bit.

‘Come.’ Strong arms slid around me, pulling me towards the bed. I was so tired, I didn’t even care that I was still in my trousers and tailcoat. I just let myself be pulled into bed, snuggling close against the hardest and most wonderfully uncomfortable cushion I had ever encountered in my life. Long, smooth fingers stroked through my hair, tucking a strand behind my ear.

‘My little ifrit…’


‘Sleep safe. Nothing and no one is going to get to you.’

I believed him. Slowly, peacefully, I sank into velvety darkness-

-and was rudely awakened by voices arguing outside. Blinking, I tried to shield my eyes against the sudden sunlight. Sunlight? Yes, it was morning again. But if this wasn’t a nocturnal attack of Dalgliesh’s, who was trying to get in?

That very moment, Karim’s terrifying growl came from outside.

‘I warn you. Not one step farther! Ambrose Sahib gave strict orders-’

‘Oh, shut up!’