Two more joined them. One put a hand on his arm. Karim looked down at it as if it were a slimy snail, which didn’t seem to put the lady off.

‘Prince Utairah, we know we’re not supposed to know who you are, but I just have to know…how is life in Bakavasa?’

Karim’s mighty brow furrowed. ‘What are you speaking of, woman?’

The ladies giggled as if he had made a hilarious joke.


mysterious,’ one whispered.

‘So strong,’ another added.

Five more ladies joined the group, whispering and giggling. Karim’s eyes swivelled from right to left, looking for a way to escape. There was none.

‘What is this?’ he demanded.

‘Oh, Prince Utairah,’ sighed a girl right next to him. ‘I knew there was something special about you from the first moment I saw you.’

‘So did I,’ whispered another one who had somehow managed to squeeze into the corner and sneak up on the bodyguard from behind. He jumped when her hair brushed his face. ‘Your disguise didn’t fool me for a moment. You’re such a powerful man, so strong, so commanding…’

‘What is this? Leave! Avaunt!’

The ladies giggled again, and moved closer.

‘Isn’t he wonderful?’ sighed one.

‘Simply incredible,’ murmured another, reaching up to stroke his beard.

‘Ah! Stop! Don’t you-’

‘Why don’t you come with me for a little stroll in the winter garden, Prince Utairah? It is so beautiful this time of day.’

‘I don’t think-’ Karim began, but he didn’t get any further.

‘Don’t listen to her, Your Royal Highness!’ another one cut him off. ‘Come with me. I’m Lady Francine, Daughter of the Duke of Northumberland. What does she matter? She’s just a baronet’s niece!’

‘You…you…! Don’t you listen, to her, Prince Utairah! Her father is a gambler and has lost his entire fortune!’

‘And yours never had one to begin with! Come with me, Prince. I promise you won’t regret it!’

‘Cease touching me! Step back, women! It is not proper-’

But what exactly was not proper, I never found out. The rest of the women had heard the word ‘prince’. The moment they realised what prospects were hiding behind that rough, hairy, weaponised exterior, things really started to get interesting.

‘Prince? Did I hear someone say prince?’

‘How big is your palace, Prince?’

‘Are you still unmarried?’

‘Should we play some music, Prince? Would you like to dance?’

‘Come dance with me!’

‘No, me!’
