‘Mr Ambrose, Sir?’

‘Yes, Mr Linton?’

‘You are very brave.’

‘I know.’

‘And you never let anyone stand in your way.’

‘No, I don’t.’

‘And you’re tenacious, and determined, and…well, altogether the toughest man I have ever met.’

‘I know, Mr Linton.’

‘And I really admire all those qualities.’

‘Indeed, Mr Linton?’



‘But sometimes I really think you need to have your head examined.’


Mr Ambrose wasn’t quite as reckless as I had at first assumed. From that day onward, we didn’t travel by day anymore, but anchored at the shore during daylight hours and went on the move when the sun went down. Also, we travelled on half steam, reducing the noise of the engine to a level where, over the constant din of the jungle around us, it could hardly be heard. Lights were strictly forbidden, and all conversations had to be kept to whispers. To my surprise, the tactic actually worked. Now and again, we heard distant explosions and screams, or saw smoke rising over the trees. But, apart from that, we saw nothing of the two armies wrestling for control over the land. I almost felt safe - until we reached a narrow bend in the river, with rocks jutting out from the bottom. It was clear for anyone to see that from here on out, the river was too shallow for us to continue by boat.

‘What now?’ I wanted to know, my gaze drifting anxiously between the river and the shore.

Mr Ambrose gave a shrug. ‘We knew from the beginning that we could only travel part of the way by boat. We’ll have to continue on foot from here on out.’

My gaze became glued to the shore. Just at that moment, a distant explosion echoed across the water.

‘Through…through the jungle?’

‘Naturally, Mr Linton. Unless you see a convenient road anywhere near.’

‘No, Sir! Of course not, Sir!’

‘What about the manuscript? Have you concluded your efforts to decipher it?’

I opened my mouth to say ‘I think so’ - then remembered that this wasn’t the kind of answer Mr Ambrose would appreciate. ‘Yes, Sir! I have, Sir.’

‘Adequate. Let’s get a move on, then.’

Everything was well-prepared. It didn’t take long for our supplies to be unloaded and the ship to be ready for departure. I was somewhat surprised, however, when I realised that, apart from me and the packhorses, only Karim would accompany Mr Ambrose into the jungle.

‘Why not take a few more people along?’ I wanted to know. ‘If we truly find gold-’

‘If we find gold,’ Mr Ambrose cut me off, ‘I only want people along with me whom I can trust.’

He marched off to oversee the ship’s departure, leaving me behind, slightly stunned at the magnitude of what he had just implied. Without knowing exactly why, I suddenly felt a lump in my throat.

The ship sailed off only a few minutes later, now without smoke curling from its funnels, carried swiftly downriver by the current. I stood, gazing after it, until a sharp command from Mr Ambrose made me turn.

‘No sense in wasting our time here! Mr Linton, you have our directions?’