‘You were talking. I was waiting for you to get to the point.’

‘The point is that I can’t leave without knowing that Ella will be taken care of. With the kind of marrymania Aunt is in right now, she might strike on the idea of offering Ella to this baronet as a replacement when she can’t get hold of me.’

Uncle Bufford nodded, thoughtfully. ‘Exchanging one unit for a newer and more elegant model - that’s a deal I wouldn’t say no to.’

I sent him a death-glare but didn’t follow it through with bodily violence. ‘I need someone to watch over her while I’m gone.’

He raised one bushy eyebrow. ‘And you immediately thought of me?’ If I hadn’t known better I would have sworn there was amusement in his eyes.

‘Not really. In fact, I thought of thirty-seven other candidates first.’

‘Only thirty-seven? I’m flattered.’

‘But they all lacked one essential quality.’

‘I’m intrigued. What is this special quality that makes me so unique?’

I took a step forward and fixed him with my best imitation-Ambrose stare. ‘The power to make decisions.’

He gave another, slower nod. There was understanding in his eyes. Understanding and…respect? ‘That is true.’

‘You have the ultimate power to decide Ella’s future.’

‘Also true.’

‘So, what I am asking you is: don’t.’

‘You want me to never give your sister a chance at marriage? At a different life? A future of her own?’

‘No. I want you to not make any rash decisions. Wait until I am back before you decide anything. Give me a chance to speak with my sister.’

His eyebrow rose a fraction of an inch further. ‘Really? And why can your sister not speak for herself?’

‘Because, although Ella is as beautiful as the Goddess of the Morning and as sweet as honey, she can be a bit of an idiot, sometimes.’

Uncle Bufford considered this for a few moments. ‘True.’

I regarded him warily. ‘So…will you do as I ask? Will you wait until I return?’

‘If a good marriage prospect presents itself-’

‘Even then! Especially then. Please, Uncle Bufford. This is important.’

He grunted and looked down at his ledgers again. ‘I won’t start parenting at my age!’

I had already opened my mouth to argue, when he added, gruffly: ‘But I won’t let her do anything foolish. I cannot abide foolishness.’

My shoulders sagged in relief.

‘Thank you.’

‘I also cannot abide women! Including you!’

I smiled a secret little smile. ‘Yes, Uncle.’

‘They’re nothing but work and needless expense!’

‘Of course, Uncle.’