I waved my hand, humbly. For some reason, monarchs seemed to like it when you pretended that you weren’t more important than they were. ‘We’ve only met once before. I doubt Your Highness would see fit to remember me.’

‘But of course I do! Herr Rikkard Ambrose, isn’t it?’

‘Yes. You honour me, Your Highness.’ Now, if you’ll only honour me a little more by helping me to seal this deal, we can all go home and spend the rest of the day on sensible matters.

‘Not at all!’ Reaching out, Prince Albert grasped my hand and shook it energetically. Unlike with most of my other business partners, I didn’t try and see how hard I would have to squeeze to break his fingers. He’d need at least one of them, after all, for his bride to stick a ring on. ‘After your generous contribution to the orphanages in my home city, how could I not remember? Thank you, Herr Ambrose. Ich danke Ihnen von ganzem Herzen. You are a truly good and generous man.’

At that insult, I truly had to control myself not to break his fingers.

Queen, I reminded myself. Wedding. Finger required.

‘It was my pleasure, Your Highness,’ I lied. ‘How could I stand idly by and let little children suffer when it was in my power to help?’ After all, I can just as well work while they suffer.

A strangled noise came from the lady beside me. Part of me was tempted to glance at her, just to see the expression on her face in her reaction to my heartwarming kindness to poor little street brats - but I resisted. Instead, I kept spouting meaningless platitudes, making the prince beam like a beam of wood. When I came to mention the sum I had donated, Miss Linton made another strangled noise.

I just couldn’t resist. Glancing sideways, I smiled - at her. Somehow, it took a lot less effort than smiling at His Royal Highness. ‘Something wrong, my darling?’

She blinked up at me as if she’d never seen me before. ‘N-no. Nothing at all.’

‘Wonderful.’ Taking her by the arm, I steered her a step closer towards the Prince - and she actually let me. She really had to be in shock. ‘Your Highness, please allow me to introduce my lovely companion for today,’ - and general bane of my existence - ‘Miss Lillian Linton.’

The Prince’s gaze took in Miss Linton for a long moment, and for an instant I wondered whether I would have to break his fingers after all. But his eyes didn’t wander. Lucky prince. ‘How do you do, Fräulein Linton?’

Sher curtsied - and smiled. I felt something twist in my stomach.

Fingers must remain intact. Fingers must remain intact!

‘When I invited you, I had no idea that you would appear in such charming company,’ the Prince added, turning to me.

‘Neither had I.’ My grip on Miss Linton tightened. If I had, I would have tied up my charming company and stored her in my cellar. ‘But the Fates play with the string of one’s life as they please, sometimes.’

She grinned. The little vixen grinned.

Concentrate! Focus on the matter at hand. Prince. Business. Marriage.

My face twitched. All right…maybe not the last one. Refreshing my mask of a smile, I once again grasped the prince’s hand and shook it in congratulation.

‘But not even Miss Linton can hope to outshine your bride on her big day. May I congratulate you, Your Highness, on your good fortune, and wish you perfect happiness in marriage? There is nothing as important in life as finding a good woman to love, and you have found the best of noble blood in the whole wide world.’

‘Thank you!’ The Prince looked deeply touched. Fine by me, as long as he didn’t try to touch me for some money in return. ‘You don’t know what this means to me, Herr Ambrose, coming from a man like you. I truly hope that once the bustle of the wedding is over, you will come visit me and my bride at Buckingham Palace?’

There we go.

The first return on my investment. The first of many to come.

‘I should like nothing better.’

‘Attention, please!’ I glanced around. It was the herald again. All eyes focused on him, and there was a prickle in the air. ‘I have just received word that Her Majesty is approaching. Would everyone return to their places, please?’

I squeezed the Prince’s hand once more - but not too hard. How fortunate I had resisted the temptation. Giving him a last bright smile, I started to steer my ‘charming company’ away, back towards our seats.

‘What is this?’ she whispered, staring suspiciously up at me. ‘What’s wrong with your face?’

‘Miss Linton?’


‘Shut up!’