‘Just do what I do!’

‘Yes, Sir.’

Mr Ambrose pulled me towards the Prince - and smiled.

I am not joking.

A bright, broad, shining smile spread across the face of the man whose facial muscles ordinarily seemed to be made out of granite. In my entire life, I had only seen Mr Ambrose smile like that once before, and I remembered very well what had happened that day.

Poor Prince Albert…

‘Your Highness!’ Mr Ambrose gave a sweeping bow. ‘I am so delighted that you were so kind as to invite me to your special day.’

The silly smile on the Prince’s face broadened. ‘You are welcome, Herr…’

Mr Ambrose waved his hand. ‘We’ve only met once before. I doubt Your Highness would see fit to remember me.’

‘But of course I do! Herr Rikkard Ambrose, isn’t it?’

‘Yes! You honour me, Your Highness.’

‘Not at all!’ Reaching out, Prince Albert grasped Mr Ambrose’s hand and shook it energetically. ‘After your generous contribution to the orphanages in my home city, how could I not remember? Thank you, Herr Ambrose. Ich danke Ihnen von ganzem Herzen. You are a truly good and generous man.’

I had just about managed to keep my mouth closed when Mr Ambrose had started to smile. But now, my jaw dropped open.

Mr Ambrose had donated money?

Of his own free will?

To a good cause?

Was he sick? Should I check his temperature?

‘It was my pleasure, Your Highness,’ Mr Ambrose said, looking deeply and earnestly into the Prince’s eyes. ‘How could I stand idly by and let little children suffer when it was in my power to help? After all, what are a few thousand pounds sterling?’

A strangled noise erupted from my throat. Mr Ambrose glanced over at me, still smiling. ‘Something wrong, my darling?’

A few thousand pounds sterling…!

‘N-no. Nothing at all.’

‘Wonderful.’ Taking me by the arm, Mr Ambrose led me a step closer towards the Prince. ‘Your Highness, please allow me to introduce my lovely companion for today: Miss Lillian Linton.’

The Prince performed a deep bow. ‘How do you do, Fräulein Linton?’

I curtsied in my best courtly fashion. If Aunt Brank had seen me, she would have been proud. Well, actually, if Aunt Brank had seen me, considering where I was and who I was talking to, she would have passed out. But, after she had woken up again, she would have been very proud, I’m sure.

‘When I invited you, I had no idea that you would appear in such charming company,’ the Prince added towards Mr Ambrose.

For a moment, the smile on Mr Ambrose’s face flickered. ‘Neither had I.’ His grip on my arm tightened. ‘But the Fates play with the string of one’s life as they please, sometimes.’

I couldn’t manage to completely hide my self-satisfied grin. Fates my foot!

‘But not even Miss Linton can hope to outshine your bride on her big day.’ Reaching out, Mr Ambrose grasped the Prince’s hand. ‘May I congratulate you, Your Highness, on your good fortune, and wish you perfect happiness in marriage? There is nothing as important in life as finding a good woman to love, and you have found the best of noble blood in the whole wide world.’

My poor jaw! I had just managed to pull it up again, and - wham! - it came slamming open again.

What did he just say?