‘Mmm gna kll y!’

‘Pardon, what was that?’


‘Nothing? Oh, good. I thought you had said something.’

How do you clobber someone over the head with your hands tied behind your back? Difficult question. I would probably have to settle for an alternative. Pulling back my leg with all the force I could muster, I kicked, aiming for his crotch.

He caught my foot long before it hit home. Effortlessly restraining me, he ran his fingers along my bare calf and I - Damn me! - felt butterflies flutter in my stomach.

‘Hm…’ he murmured. ‘Yes, definite advantages.’

His hand slid further up my calf.

Kiss him!

No, no! Kill, not kiss!







Well…maybe you can do both?

Yes, but which one first?

Who cares? As cold and stiff as he is, it’ll hardly matter!


I don’t know how long I hung over his back like this. An hour? Two? Only a few minutes? It felt like the longest time ever to me. But every time his hands skimmed over my bare skin, every time he murmured to me with that cold, commanding voice of his that could reach right into my chest down to my heart, a tiny part of me wished it would never stop.

Of course, there was also that big part of me that was still dreaming of strangulation!





Finally, we reached a sort of semi-clearing under the branches of a gigantic tree that had frightened away all trees for several yards in every direction. Mr Ambrose stopped under its majestic branches, glancing up at the hidden night sky.

‘We’ll make camp here for the night.’ Sliding me off his shoulders, he set me on my feet. Blood rushed down in my body, and I swayed. Mr Ambrose’s hands shot out, catching me, holding me up. ‘Karim?’

‘I, um…should scout the area, Sahib. See if everything is safe.’

Mister Ambrose’s eyes remained focused on me, glittering in the darkness. ‘You do that.’