I waited, then batted my eyelashes again, just in case.

He sighed in resignation. ‘All right! You remember those things I told you about my being sent after bandits?’

‘Indeed I do.’

‘Well, they’re here. In Egypt. Egyptian, English and French trade routes are all at risk, so it will be a joint operation, with each nation contributing one task force. I’m in charge of the force the British Army sent to take care of those robbers.’

‘Dear me!’ I actually managed to sound surprised. ‘And what are you doing in this alley, then? Shouldn’t you be in the desert?’

‘Not yet. First I have to find out where those criminals are.’ Looking from left to right as if fearing someone might be listening, he leaned forward. ‘Don’t tell this to anyone,’ he whispered. ‘But I think I might have found a clue to the bandits’ whereabouts.’

I did my best to make my eyes go big with girlish excitement. ‘Indeed?’

‘Yes. In that disreputable tavern behind you - which, by the way, I advise you strongly not to enter - is a man who, according to my sources, might know where they have their lair.’

‘You don’t say.’ I stepped aside to let him pass. ‘Well, it was nice seeing you, Captain. I shouldn’t detain you any longer. You probably have to get on with your investigation.’

His mouth dropped opened slightly. ‘What? You surely don’t expect me to leave you behind in this den of iniquity, completely alone and without protection?’

I won’t be alone. There are men in the shadows watching. And men in the shadows watching the men who are watching!

I managed to force a smile on my face. ‘But surely, your investigation…’

‘…can wait until tomorrow! I will escort you back to the hotel straight away.’

‘Oh, Captain, that really isn’t necessary.’

‘Of course it is,’ he told me sincerely, taking hold of my hand. ‘There are all sorts of ruffians loose in this part of the city. I myself was nearly attacked twice on my way here. I am surprised that you’ve made it this far in one piece.’

Well, my secret legion of bodyguards probably helped.

‘Really,’ I tried one final time, ‘You don’t have to do this. I’ll be fine.’

‘Please.’ Squeezing my hand, he gazed deep into my eyes. His shining brown eyes looked like chocolate: warm and utterly enthralling. I had never noticed before how beautiful they were. Blast! Why did chocolate have to be my favourite food? ‘Please, Miss Linton, let me accompany you back. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you because I wasn’t there to prevent it.’

That was so typically male, chauvinistic, and… and… sweet. Sweet as chocolate.

I gave a little nod. ‘All right.’

Blast! What about Mr Ambrose? If he comes out here and finds me gone…

I could imagine his reaction.

But I really, really didn’t want to.

‘Besides,’ he added in a more cheerful tone, ‘if I come with you, I can meet your grandmother. I’d be delighted to make her acquaintance.’

Oh - my - God…!

‘Of course,’ I said, wishing I could just disappear into the earth. ‘I can’t wait for you to meet her.’

The only problem being that she’s back in England! What now? Crap, crap, crap…!

Oblivious to my panic, Captain Carter linked arms with me and started to lead me up the alley. Halfway up I turned my head to throw an anxious glance back at the tavern which still contained my dear employer, Mr Rikkard Ambrose.

What will he think when he comes out and doesn’t find you out here? asked a nasty little voice in my head.

Nice, calm, relaxing thoughts, I hoped. But somehow, I doubted it.