‘Um… Yes, Sir. Of course, Sir.’

Once the waiter had disappeared again, I nodded to the two menus. ‘So hungry that you need two menus to decide, are you, Dick, my dear? You’ll have to watch yourself so you don’t gain too much weight. We don’t want you coming back from our honeymoon looking all puffed up like a football, like you did that time you came back from Monte Carlo.’

Lowering the menus far enough so he could stare at me over the top he said, in an icy voice too low for anyone else to hear: ‘What are you talking about? I’ve never been to Monte Carlo.’

I shrugged.

‘Just keeping up the pretence, my dear. We are a happy married couple with a lot of history, after all.’

‘And married people talk like that, do they?’

‘So far as I know.’

His dark eyes bored into me. ‘Then I am devoutly grateful that this is only a charade.’

I returned his dark look with a bright smile. ‘A feeling which I sincerely return.’

Casting a quick look around to see if anyone was listening, I leaned forward and whispered: ‘So, what are you doing with two menus?’

‘This.’ Sliding the menus off the table, he shoved them under the tablecloth. There was a rustling sound, and a moment later, the menus re-emerged. He handed one me one.

I frowned, turning it around. It looked exactly as it had before.


Holding it up, I tapped on the side. Maybe there was a hidden compartment somewhere, or a latch, or…

‘Open it!’ came a low hiss from Mr Ambrose.

My heart made a leap. Had he hidden something inside? A secret document, maybe? Well, there was only one way to find out. With a cautious glance around to make sure nobody was looking, I let the menu fall open.


Live Like a King on the Nile

List of Appetizers

By golly! Now that was some impressive secret document! I could see why Mr Ambrose would make such a fuss about this. What did we have here…?

Winter Salad marinated in French Dressing

Crab Puffs with Chives

Potato Salad

Cucumber Basil Sandwiches

Caviar on Toast

Cranberry Sauce

Cream Cheese

Oh my gosh! That was so… amazing! I hardly knew the words to express how impressed I was - not.

Looking up at Mr Ambrose, I raised an eyebrow. ‘Yummy! I love cream cheese.’

His little finger twitched.