‘Yes, yes, blast you! I forgive you!’

My grin threatened to split my face in two. ‘You are the world’s best friend, Patsy!’

‘And you are a conniving little witch, Lillian Linton!’

‘Thank you.’

‘Now give me my chocolate!’


Needless to say, when I went to the office next time, I was in a very good mood. A mood that became even better when I passed Mr Ambrose on my way through the upper hallway, and he froze, his eyes bulging slightly at the sight of me.

Stopping, I proudly posed for him to show off my new attire.

‘Is something the matter, Sir?’ I asked sweetly.

His dark eyes, not bulging anymore, came up to meet mine.

‘Nothing, Mr Linton. You have only just reaffirmed my conviction that females should not be allowed to have money of their own.’

‘Oh, so you like my new waistcoat, do you? Aren’t the peacocks pretty?’

‘Mr Linton?’

‘Yes, Sir?’

‘Get to work!’

‘Yes, Sir!’

I had just stepped into my office when, with a plink, the first message shot out of the pneumatic tube, landing on my desk.

Mr Linton,

Bring me file 37XVII197.

Rikkard Ambrose

‘I haven’t gone anywhere,’ I called to him through the connecting door. ‘I’m still here, in earshot. You could have just yelled through the door.’

With another plink, the next message popped out onto my desk.

Mr Linton,

This is still the most efficient method of communication. Now bring me the file.

Rikkard Ambrose

A snort escaped me. Efficient method of communication my foot! He just wasn’t in the mood to open his mouth, that was all! But then, he had a perfect right to keep it shut, and, being my employer, he also had the perfect right to order me around to fetch files for him. So I rose to my feet and disappeared between the shelves. Once I had found the right one, I shoved it under the door to his office.

‘Your file, Si-’

Another plink from the direction of the desk cut me off. I hurried back to open the message.

Mr Linton,

Bring me file 37XVI195.