‘Yes,’ I said, starting to nod. My grin became even wider. ‘Yes, definitely. Do you sell solid chocolate?’


‘Where did you get this?’ Ella demanded. She, Patsy, Flora and Eve sat squashed onto one of the benches in Green Park, gazing with longing in their eyes at the box of sweets and treats I had brought along.

‘That’s a secret,’ I grinned.

Patsy narrowed her eyes at me. ‘A secret like where you disappeared to the week before last?’

‘Oh, give it a rest, Patsy!’ Eve’s elbow dug into Patsy’s massive ribs. The bigger girl hardly blinked. ‘If I get solid chocolate out of it, I don’t care if she’s smuggling rum across the Scottish border!’

Ella stared from her to me in shock. ‘Y-you aren’t, are you?’

Rolling my eyes, I held the box of chocolates out to her. ‘Here. Take one.’

Hesitantly, glancing around as if she expected a policeman to spring out at her from the bushes at any moment, Ella reached out and took one of the chocolates. With unusual restraint, I waited till all of them had taken one before I picked one for myself.



Sounds of appreciation were coming from all around - except from Patsy. She was glowering at me, and pointed at the chocolate in her hand.

‘This is bribery!’

‘Oh, Patsy… now really. I was just trying to do something nice.’

‘It won’t make me forgive you, you know? I still want to know where you disappeared to! Friends don’t disappear on each other. And if one does, that can’t simply be erased by bribing with chocolate!’

‘Just try it, will you?’

‘As long as you understand that I won’t forgive you-’

‘Yes, yes, I understand. Go on. Take a bite.’

Throwing me another suspicious glare, Patsy cautiously raised the chocolate to her mouth and took a tiny bite. Her eyes closed in ecstasy.


‘Like it?’

‘Hmm… Yes! Yes, damn you!’

I took a bite for myself. The flavour spread through my mouth like ambrosia and nectar combined. I smiled at her.

‘Am I forgiven?’

Putting the last bit of chocolate into her mouth, she hesitated. ‘You said this wasn’t a bribe!’

‘I lied.’

Her eyes flew open. ‘You little…’

‘Well?’ My smile widened. ‘Am I forgiven?’

‘Do I get another one?’

‘Certainly.’ Invitingly, I held the box out to her. ‘Help yourself. If, that is, you…’