
Admittedly, as I panted, desperately running up the stairs, some things were the same. Like my thinking Oh my God, Oh my God, I’m going to be too late! for instance.


But on the other hand, some things were different.


For instance, on my first day I had not been thinking Bloody hell! He kissed me! He actually kissed me!


But then… that fact wasn’t so very significant, was it? Oh no, of course not! I was a feminist! Why would it matter to me that some chauvinistic son of a bachelor pressed his lips to mine?


He did! He really did! Crap, crap, crap!

I almost wished myself back at that moment, back to when life had been so uncomplicated, without kisses and caresses and confusing feelings. But then I thought of the look in Mr Ambrose’s dark, sea-coloured eyes just before our lips met…

No! Don’t think! Go on! Run!


By the time I reached the sixth landing, I was ready to collapse. Go on! I screamed at myself. Just a few steps more, and you’re there!


Wheezing, I staggered onto the top landing and grabbed the brass doorknob. Turning it, I shoved open the door and stumbled into the long, narrow hallway at the end of which stood the desk of Mr Stone, the upstairs receptionist. I waited just a moment, until I was sure my heart wasn’t going to burst from overexertion. Then I straightened, tugged at my clothes to get rid of a few creases, and walked forward as nonchalantly as I could. Maybe, if I just walked past in an innocent, everyday manner, Mr Stone wouldn’t notice me. Maybe I would get into my office without-

‘Good morning, Mr Linton.’

Wincing, I halted at the sound of the familiar voice. I inclined my head at the young man behind the desk in front of Mr Ambrose’s office door. He was quite a friendly young man, actually. It wasn’t his fault that, from my viewpoint, today he had the job of Cerberus, guardian of hell.

‘Good morning, Mr Stone.’ I said.

That seemed to exhaust our conversational possibilities. Longingly, I glanced towards my office door, and inched a step closer. But Mr Stone’s next words froze me in place.

‘Mr Ambrose would like to see you.’

My fingers clenched into fists, automatically.

‘Oh, he would, would he?’ I took a step away from Mr Ambrose’s office door, and towards my safe haven. ‘Perhaps later. Right now I have…’

Mr Stone gave me a look that was not without compassion, but still firm. ‘Perhaps I should rephrase. Mr Ambrose demands to see you. Right now.’

All colour drained from my face. Then it rushed back again with

a vengeance.


‘Oh.’ Swallowing, I nodded. ‘I see.’

Taking a deep breath, I stepped past Mr Stone and towards my employer’s office door. The door creaked open as slowly and menacingly as the gateway to Pandemonium - or maybe just like the door of a man who was too stingy to buy oil for the hinges. Inside, it was dark. The curtains were closed, letting in only a thin lance of light that sharply silhouetted the dark figure of the man sitting behind the massive desk.

I gulped.