‘Because Alexandria is the largest port in Egypt, the only one large enough for the kind of ship Ambrose Effendi uses for trade. Any spies of the bandits could only have been found here. And now that this first plan has failed, we have to use the same route as his traders, if we want to be taken for a merchant caravan.’

I threw Mr Ambrose a dark look. ‘And of course we want that, don’t we? I mean, who doesn’t want to have their throats cut?’

‘Have faith, Hanem.’

‘Ha! In whom? God, or Mr Ambrose?’

He considered that for a moment. ‘Both?’ he finally suggested.


‘Time to mount up!’ I heard Mr Ambrose’s cold voice from behind me. ‘We ride east!’

Youssef bowed. ‘You’ll have to excuse me, Hanem. I have to fetch my saddle.’

I nodded. Luckily, some considerate soul had already wrestled the saddle onto the back of the sweet little camel I was supposed to ride from now on. But that still left the actual riding to be done. Cautiously, I eyed the hunch-backed ungulate beside me. It was busily chewing on its reins, covering them with slobber.

Very well… I could do this. It couldn’t be that difficult, could it?

‘Hello there,’ I said.

The camel very courteously stopped chewing, and spat at me in reply.

‘That’s a charmer,’ I heard Youssef from behind me. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw him walk by with a camel saddle under his arm. ‘What’s his name?’

‘He hasn’t got one yet, I think.’

‘So, what are you going to call him, Hanem?’

I turned back to the camel, meeting its cool, derisive eyes. For a moment, I considered - but there really was only one possible choice. ‘I think I’ll call him Ambrose.’

From behind me, there came the thud of a heavy camel saddle hitting the ground, and a strangled sound from Youssef. I smiled.

‘Well?’ Leaning forward, I ticked the camel below the chin. ‘Do you like your new name, Ambrose?’

The camel spat at me again.

‘There, you see? He likes it! He’s downright enthusiastic!’

Grabbing the saddle, I tried to swing myself up, like I had seen horse riders do. All I managed, however, was to dangle from the camel’s side like an over-ripe plum. No matter how much I pulled, I couldn’t get myself up there!

Blast! If you weren’t so heavy you could do this! It’s all because your derrière is so f-

No! My derrière wasn’t fat! Just generous. That was the word. Generous.

Behind me, Youssef cleared his throat ‘You have to make the camel kneel down before you can get on, Hanem.’

‘And how am I supposed to do that?’ I growled, pounding on the beast’s hairy side. ‘Let me up, you smelly monster, you!’

Ignoring me, the camel went back to chewing on its reins.

Youssef regarded the camel cautiously. ‘Um… well, actually they should be trained to kneel when someone approaches them.’

‘In case you haven’t noticed, that hasn’t happened yet!’

Spitting out the reins, Ambrose turned his head and began chewing on the sleeve of my thobe instead. Ah! A gourmet camel, eh?

‘Um… yes, Hanem. Well, in that case, you simply command him to kneel in an authoritative tone of voice. That should be enough.’