‘You called, Sahib?’

With a yelp, I sprang back and whirled to see the Mohammedan standing right behind me, towering in the safe’s doorway.

With a curt wave, Mr Ambrose directed him back into my office.

‘Search the room. File S39XX300.’

Apparently, Mr Ambrose was as economical with his words as with his money and facial expressions. Karim didn’t need any more explanation. He went back into my office. Soon after, I heard the noise of drawers being opened.

‘So what is it?’ I asked. ‘This better method that does not require me to learn to swim with my lungs full of water?’

Was my voice steady? I thought it was. I probably should have been more scared, but somehow this felt unreal. I was discussing with a practical stranger his reasons for not wanting to kill me. Was this really happening?

‘Well, you did not have the keys for the safe until today,’ Mr Ambrose reasoned, his gaze wandering up and down my body in a strange manner. ‘I do not believe you are capable of cracking a safe. Ergo, if you took the file, you must have done it today. And if it is not in your office, you must still have it on you.’

‘And?’ I asked. ‘What do you intend to do now?’

His gaze went up and down my body again. ‘As I said,’ he repeated, his dark, sea-coloured eyes intent. ‘You must have it on you.’ He took a step towards me.

And suddenly I understood.

My hands shot up to shield me. ‘Oh no. No, nononono, Mister! Don’t even think about it!’

I Defend my Honour, More’s the Pity

He cocked his head.


‘No! Definitely no! Despite what you have been trying to tell yourself, I am still a girl and I am most definitely not going to let you rummage around in my knickers!’

‘You would rather end up face-down in the Thames?’

‘I would rather that you trusted me!’

‘Trust…’ The word came slowly over his sculpted lips as if he hadn’t used them in a very long time. ‘Mister Linton… in Russia they have a saying about that. Do you know it, Mr Linton?’

He took a step closer.

‘How the heck should I? I’m not Russian!’

‘The saying is: “trust, but verify”.’ He took a step closer again. ‘I do not subscribe to that saying. I never trust. But I always verify.’

‘You are not getting me out of my dress so you can rummage around in my underwear!’ I declared, maybe a bit too forcefully. That was largely due to the fact that a part of my mind was occupied with how it would feel to have him rummage around in my underwear. And another part of my mind was busy being furious at the aforementioned part of my mind for having such thoughts.

‘You are not wearing a dress, but trousers,’ he pointed out in his usual cold, curt manner.

‘Whatever! Are you a gentleman, Sir, or a cur?’

‘That depends on the necessities of the situation.’

‘And in this situation?’

‘Give me back the file, Mr Linton, and I will not have to search you.’

‘For the hundredth time, I do not have it!’

‘For the fourth time, actually,’ he corrected. ‘Do not exaggerate.’