‘Ah, yes!’ Lord Dalgliesh raised a finger. ‘You were enquiring why I had not brought the file out of here at once.’ He met the captain’s eyes. ‘Doubtless you were concerned because there are so many thieves and crooks in London, and my rightful property is in danger here, am I correct?’

‘Yes, My Lord. Absolutely correct, My Lord.’

‘Well, I must admit, it had occurred to me to send the file to a safer location immediately. But, you see, unfortunately, it was in code.’

Puzzlement spread over the captain’s face. ‘Code? You mean like code of honour and that gentleman stuff?’

‘No. I mean a secret language.’ Lord Dalgliesh’s face was still smiling, but his right hand was speaking a different language. It had clenched into a tight fist, the knuckles white. ‘Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to decipher it.’

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something on Mr Ambrose’s face. His non-existent expression didn’t change, but I thought I saw a dark gleam of triumph in his eyes.

‘And even more unfortunately,’ Lord Dalgliesh continued, ‘the fact that the documents are encoded makes it difficult for them to be removed from London. The greatest cryptographers of the world work here at government institutes.’

‘But… now you’re taking the file out of here anyway?’ the captain dared to enquire.

‘Yes.’ Lord Dalgliesh took something out of his pocket and twirled it between his fingers. The object was shiny and yellowish, and looked like some kind of pelt. It took me a moment to recognize the lock of Simmons' golden hair. The hair of a dead man. With a quick, merciless motion, Dalgliesh crushed it between his fingers and let it fall to the floor. ‘I have received signs that this course of action would be advisable.’

The captain stared at the remains of the lock in confusion. He didn’t know what I knew.

‘But… what about these code experts? If, like you said, they live here in London, My Lord…’

‘I think they should be encouraged to move. Sea climate is very beneficial for one’s health at this time of year. I am sure you can explain this to them, very clearly.’

The captain blanched. ‘Your Lordship, surely you are not suggesting…’

He trailed off. Lord Dalgliesh waited, watching him quietly. Finally, he enquired:


Once more, there was a friendly smile on his face.

The captain swallowed. ‘I… My Lord, these are important men. If they should suddenly vanish in a violent manner…’

‘Violence? Dear me, who said anything of violence?’ Lord Dalgliesh’s smile widened a fraction. ‘You must have completely misunderstood me, Captain. You will encourage these people to take a holiday, nothing more. I am sure they will see the benefit of it when you have explained everything adequately.’

The captain’s head slumped down. It was probably pressed down by the weight he knew would come if something went wrong. If something went wrong, everything would be on his head. Lord Dalgliesh’s innocent smile made that clear. Lord Dalgliesh would always be innocent.

‘Their disappearance will not go unnoticed,’ he started a last attempt at convincing his master. ‘The press…’

‘The press will follow my suggestions and be discrete. I own it, after all.’

‘Well… not all of it, My Lord. Some of it belongs to Mr Ambrose.’

The friendly smile froze on Dalgliesh’s face. Around them, the workers stopped in mid-stride and turned towards the two. Silence fell over the hall, as more and more pairs of eyes fixed on them. Waves of silence spread out in the pond of the hall from the pebble that had been Mr Ambrose’s name.

It seemed to dawn on the captain that he had made a very serious mistake. The last remnants of colour drained from his face.

Dalgliesh took a step toward his subordinate.

‘What,’ he said very kindly and slowly, in the manner of a patient headmaster talking to a disobedient child, ‘did I tell you about mentioning the name of this man in my presence, Captain?’

The captain’s mouth opened and closed. No words came out.

‘Do I need to remind you again of the consequences if this should occur again, Captain?’

‘N-no, My Lord! I remember perfectly, My Lord!’

‘Excellent.’ Dalgliesh turned again, and continued on his way. At a flick of his hand, the labourers whirled around and started to work again, twice as fast as before. ‘Kindly have the file brought aboard and stored in the safe, Captain. Make sure it is in a watertight pouch.’