All I could do was listen. My ears strained to hear some noise, some sign that would tell me that the ship was still afloat, that he was still alive - but no such sound ever came. There was nothing but the crashing of the storm waves against the bow of the boat. And then, even that was gone, and there was only silence.


Special Additional Material

A chapter from

Mr Ambrose’s Perspective

None of your Business

Can’t you read? This is none of your business! I am not going to tell you what you want - and most certainly not for free! Close this book and leave. Now!

Did you not hear me? That was an order!

Why are you still here? Did I not give explicit instructions for you to leave? Let me put it another way: you are dismissed. Scram! Scat! Get thee gone! I know what it is you want, but I am not going to do it! I am not going to tell you my story.


You dare ask why?

You have some nerve! Do you know who I am? No, you obviously don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t still be here, pestering me. Well, if you will not stop making a nuisance of yourself, you useless layabout, I’ll tell you why. Here are the reasons why I will not share my story, in order of significance:

10. It’s mine. I don’t share what’s mine.

9. I’m too busy.

8. Very busy indeed.

7. You are no more than a bug to me - easily squashed.

6. I don’t waste my time on bugs.

5. I don’t waste my time on anyone. Knowledge is power is time is money.

4. This story contains secrets of immeasurable value. Secrets must stay secret. That’s the point of a secret.

3. This story is mine. Do you hear? Mine! I don’t share. Not ever.

2. And it’s about her.

1. Remember what I said about never sharing?

You still haven’t left, have you?

You still want my story?

Well, I have to say I admire your persistence. If it is persistence, that is. More likely, you’re just too thick-headed to comprehend my warning.

Very well…

On your own head be it.