‘Excellent. I shall return to the dining hall. Your companion is awaiting you there.’

Not long after, I stepped out onto the deck of the ship and closed my eyes for a moment as I breathed in the fresh sea air. It was cool, harsh and salty - not the best combination for a city girl like me, under normal circumstances. But just now, I revelled in it, revelled in the fact that it was no longer the dank, dusty air of the mine I had to breathe in, revelled in the fact that I could still breathe because I was alive.

Opening my eyes again, I looked around. I stood on the upper of two decks aboard the Urania. The wooden structures supporting the deck, as well as the walls of the cabins, were painted in a cheerful golden-yellow and only served to re-emphasize the point: I was out of the dark. I was safe. We both were safe.

Stepping towards the railing, I took another deep breath and looked back the way we had come. Past the roiling clouds of smoke from the engine that propelled us forward, past the churning waters behind it, I could see, in the distance, the faint shape of a mountain on the horizon, rising out of the distant waves. Île Marbeau. It looked like nothing more than a molehill from here. And regardless of how angry the mole that lived there might be right now, regardless of how much he might resemble a lion in his fury, we were out of his reach. I smiled.

Leaving the sea view behind me, I turned and went in search of Mr Ambrose. I hoped for his sake he hadn’t eaten without me and already left, or there would be hell to pay!

It didn’t take me long to find my way through the luxurious, wood-panelled corridors of the ship. They were not like the corridors of the Nemesis. Light shone in through curtained windows, gold and silver glittered in every corner, and everywhere there were helpful people willing to show you the way, instead of evil people willing to show you the way to your grave. One old lady, Lady Timberlake, even entangled me in a conversation about how small and underfed the young men in military service, like my good self, looked nowadays, when I asked her for the way. She discovered I had the cabin right next to hers, and it took me some time to pry myself away from her. She was sorry to see the young soldier (i.e. me) go; he reminded her so much of her grandson, the brave darling…

I hoped fervently this was due to the excellence of my disguise and not to the freakish anatomy of her grandson.

When I finally entered the dining hall, a grand room with plush leather chairs arranged around small, intricately carved tables, and crystal chandeliers dangling from the ceiling, the first thing I saw was Mr Ambrose, sitting at one of the tables and arguing with one of the waiters over the price of a glass of water.

‘…two shillings for one glass?’ Mr Ambr

ose was saying, trying to nail the poor waiter to the wall with his cold glare. The other guests were watching him with apprehensive looks on their faces. ‘What do you put in that water, man? Gold dust? This is not acceptable!’

‘But Monsieur,’ the waiter protested. ‘This is special mineral water with many beneficial properties for your health, directly from the wells at…’

‘Well, as it happens, I do not feel sick in the slightest. Is it within your ability to procure some non-healing, but reasonably priced water?’

‘Monsieur! This is a vessel of the very first class. We pride ourselves on the excellence of everything we serve, and it would be a disgrace if we-’

‘Can you or can’t you?’

A pained expression crossed the waiter’s face.

‘I might be able to, um… obtain some low-quality fluid out of the provisions for the ship’s personnel, if Monsieur wishes it.’

‘Yes, Monsieur wishes it.’

‘Alors, I shall do my best. Before I leave, what does Monsieur wish to eat?’

Mister Ambrose eyed the bread basket placed in the middle of the table.

‘Does this cost anything?’

‘The bread basket? No, of course not, Monsieur! That is just an appetizer. Which of our delicacies does Monsieur wish to taste?’

‘The one that doesn't cost anything.’ With one hand, Mister Ambrose pulled the bread basket towards him, with the other, he waved the waiter away. ‘This will be quite sufficient. That will be all.’

The waiter was near tears.

‘Monsieur cannot be serious! Water and bread? Water and bread? This is a first-class vessel, not a prison bark!’

‘More’s the pity. On a prison bark, I wouldn’t have had to pay for the voyage.’

‘Monsieur! I beg you to reconsider. Please, here, I have a menu, will you not look and see if there is something that will please your palate? We have the best-’

He was interrupted by a hand snatching the menu from his grasp. My hand.

Casually, I flicked through the pages with golden corners and embossed, italic writing. Something caught my eye.

‘I would like… Foie Gras avec Sauce Espagnole, then a glass of Champagne…’

‘The sparkling variety or pale red?’