‘My friend over there mentioned it. It’s amazing what people tell you once you’ve bought a cup of tea and a chocolate croissant - for which you will have to pay, by the way. Did you know, for instance, that there is an abandoned salt mine up in the mountains? None of the locals or tourists dare to go there, because it’s supposed to be haunted. They know it’s haunted, because now and again, they see strange lights up there at night, and because the few people who did go up there, never came back.’

‘Indeed, Mr Linton?’

I licked another bit of chocolate mousse off my finger. Somehow, I managed to suppress a grin. ‘Yes, indeed, Sir.’

Raising his hand, Mr Ambrose stroked his chiselled chin thoughtfully. His gaze wandered to the mountains rising in the centre of the island. ‘Well, in that case, I think we'll have a look at this mine. I would like to meet a few of these ghosts.’

‘Can I have another chocolate croissant, first?’

‘Mr Linton!’

‘Coming, Sir! I’m coming!’

Mine and Yours

It only took me one look over the bush to be certain we were in the right place. Quickly, I ducked down again and whispered: ‘That’s it! Lord Dalgliesh is here!’

‘How do you know?’ Mr Ambrose enquired, not looking at me, but staring through a gap in the foliage at the man standing at the entrance to the abandoned mine. ‘That’s not Dalgliesh! I don't see him anywhere.’

‘Yes, but the guard at the entrance…!’

‘He’s wearing a French uniform. He’s not one of Dalgliesh’s men.’

‘Oh yes, he is! That’s just it! I recognized him the moment I saw him. He was one of the men on the ship, one of those who were on deck when I climbed aboard.’

Immediately, Mr Ambrose’s eyes turned sharper, more focused. They seemed to drill into the man who was standing at the entrance to the old mine, right in front of a worm-eaten old sign that said: Danger! Ne pas entrer!

‘Hm. Well, if I can forge a uniform, then so can Dalgliesh. He might not even need to. Maybe he is actually in league with the French. They cannot like the idea of a canal at Suez under the control of an Englishman any more than he does.’

I stared at him, incredulously.

‘You… you actually think he’d consider treason?’

‘It wouldn’t be the first time.’

There was a moment of silence while I tried to digest that piece of information.

‘All right,’ his voice finally cut through the silence, cold and controlled. ‘There are two possibilities. Either this guard is genuine, in which case he will turn us back with a few polite “Pardon, Messieurs”…’

‘I told you he isn’t genuine!’

‘…or you are right and he is in Dalgliesh’s pay, in which case he should take us for soldiers of the Presidency Armies and let us pass.’ He shot me a dark look. ‘But in that case, there is no return. Once we’re out in the open, we have to keep going, down into the mine. Do you understand, Mr Linton?’

I hesitated - then nodded. ‘Yes, Sir.’

‘I assume it would be of no avail trying to convince you to stay behind?’

I raised an eyebrow. ‘After I’ve come this far, you want me to stay here and miss all the fun? Are you mad?’

‘You have a strange definition of “fun”, Mr Linton.’

‘And you don't have one at all.’

‘Mr Linton?’

‘Yes, Sir?’

‘Be quiet.’