The Captain nodded to the rather confused-looking blonde lady who was standing beside him. ‘Philip, may I introduce you to Lady Katharine Rowntree? Lady Katharine? This is the man I said you simply had to meet, Sir Philip Wilkins.’

‘But you said you wanted to show me a painting from Lady Metcalf’s collec-’ the young lady began.

‘Anyway,’ Captain Carter said hurriedly, and loudly. ‘Now we’re all introduced. Isn’t that wonderful?’

‘Wonderful is hardly the word for it,’ Sir Philip breathed. He had an expression on his face I had seen only once before - when he had first beheld Ella at Lady Metcalf’s last ball. ‘Perfect would be more appropriate. Lady Katherine, would you do me the honour of the next dance?’

‘Oh… why, certainly, Sir Philip,’ she said, blinking in astonishment. ‘But… don't you already have a partner? Your companion…’ her eyes wandered to the place where Ella was standing. Ella opened her mouth reflexively.

I was beside her in a flash, grasping her arm in iron grip.

‘She doesn't mind at all. I think she’s a bit tired.’

‘Oh. Well, if that’s the case…’

Sir Philip’s eyes hadn’t left Lady Katherine. He extended his arm, and she took it.

Ella watched as the two of them departed.

‘W-what was that?’ she asked.

‘Can’t you tell? A miracle, of course.’ Across the ballroom I could see Edmund. He was staring gloomily out of the window again. ‘And,’ I added, ‘We might just have time for another, tonight. Look over there.’


‘Ella.’ Edmund’s voice was hoarse. I could tell, because I was hiding behind a potted plant nearby. I was curious, all right? I had worried myself to death over this affair of Ella's. The least I wanted in exchange was to see the happy end!

The young piano tuner’s son looked around the ballroom. ‘I don't see Sir Philip anywhere.’

Ella took a step forward. Her eyes were glued to the young man opposite her.


‘So is it done, then?’ he asked bitterly. ‘Are you his now? He has proposed?’

Another step forward.


Edmund’s eyes flew open. Then his jaw muscles twitched. ‘But he will.’

Another step. They were standing in front of each other now. I thanked God that they were in a quiet corner of the room, with nobody paying attention to them. The way they were looking at each other made things all too clear for anyone who cared to look.

‘No,’ Ella whispered.

‘What do you mean, no?’ His voice was just a whisper, too - desperation, pain, with a tinge of hope.

‘It appears Sir Philip has lost interest in me. I… I cannot rightly understand it, but he was introduced to another young lady, and from one moment to the next seemed to forget I exist.’

The spark of hope in Edmund exploded into a fiery blaze. I could see it shining in his eyes.

‘He is a fool,’ he said in a quiet voice.

It was he who took the next step forward. They were standing almost close enough to kiss now.

But they wouldn’t, here in the ballroom, would they?

Would they?