For some insane reason, the smile on my face didn’t vanish, but widened into a reckless grin. His fingers were digging hard into my flesh, but I didn’t care. I had finally managed to rattle him, to get under that granite skin of his!

‘Ah, so you’re manhandling me now, Sir? Does that mean you have decided I am enough of a man for you?’

He didn’t answer. Instead, his grip tightened and he pressed me harder against the wall, his sea-coloured eyes darkening to the depths of the ocean.

I suddenly realized how tightly his body was pressed against mine. I could feel every muscle in his chest as it heaved in an effort to steady his breathing, could feel the hardness of his lean body as he held me in his arms. His heart hammered against mine, beating out a frantic rhythm. And for a moment, just a moment, I didn’t want the same things as a man. In that moment, I didn’t want to be as good as man for him. I just wanted to be a woman.

‘Miss Linton, I…’

His voice was rough, his face stonier and more unreadable than ever. I tried to read the emotions behind the granite façade, but to no avail. He was impenetrable.


Only I imagined that maybe his eyes weren’t quite as cold as they had been a moment ago.


Why was my voice suddenly unsteady? I was in the middle of having an argument with him, for heaven’s sake! I had never been afraid of arguments, or afraid of men. What was the matter with me? Why were my legs feeling so weak all of a sudden?

He called you ‘Miss’ Linton, said a tiny voice in the back of my mind. Not Mister. Miss. Maybe that’s why.

‘I…’ He stared at me, searching for words - then he abruptly let go and stumbled backwards, the momentary fury that had taken hold of him gone, his demeanour back to cool, calm self-possession.

I just leaned against the wall, too weak-kneed to stand on my own.

For a moment or two, there was silence between us. Then he took a deep breath.

‘I… am sorry if I acted inappropriately. I should not have touched you.’

Part of me wasn’t so sure about that. For some strange reason, being touched by him, touched that roughly and demandingly, had felt exciting. But I nodded anyway, accepting his words. To get an apology out of Rikkard Ambrose was such a rare opportunity that you simply had to take it.

My mouth felt dry - too dry for speaking. Yet I had to ask a very important question. I wet my lips, not taking my eyes of Mr Ambrose.

‘So what about it?’ I asked.

‘About what?’ he shot back.

He had to be joking. Surely he couldn’t have forgotten what we were talking about, could he? But he was looking at me so oddly that I almost thought he might. What on earth could he be thinking about instead right now?

‘Am I still one of your employees?’ I clarified.

That brought him back down to earth. His mouth thinned into a line. ‘No!’

It was no more than I had expected. But I dug my heels into the ground. I was not prepared to give up yet!

‘I told you,’ I repeated, crossing my arms defiantly in front of me, ‘I was not disobeying your orders! I did exactly what you told me to do. You cannot dismiss me for that!’

‘Don’t you play the innocent! You deliberately interpreted my words in such a way as to humiliate me!’

‘Oh yes? And you, you didn’t try to humiliate me? To hurt me in the worst way you could imagine, by making me speak up against what I believed in?’

I felt scalding hot moisture at the corners of my eyes. Driving it away by pure force of will, I took a step forward, making my voice strong and steady.

‘You tricked me! You made me believe that you had accepted me, only to spring your worst attempt ever on me in your accursed quest to get rid of me! So don't you dare be angry at me now just because I was cleverer than you and came out on top!’

Silence. Well, at least he didn’t deny it.

‘Why did you do it, anyway?’ I asked after a moment, my voice quieter. ‘Why did you drag me up on that podium? Why are you so desperate to send me packing?’