All their faces became more serious instantly, especially Flora's. They all liked Ella, and Flora recognized in her something like a kindred spirit, somebody so gentle and meek she made a dove look like a hunting hawk in comparison.

‘Explain,’ she said in a quiet voice, regarding me with large eyes full of worry.

‘Well…’ I bit my lip, thinking. ‘I’m not quite sure how to explain. Um… do you know a Sir Philip Wilkins?’

Patsy snorted. ‘What? That flower-obsessed nincompoop?’

Surprised, I turned towards her. I hadn’t actually expected any of my friends to know him. Just like me, they weren’t all that fond of male society.

‘You know him, Patsy?’

‘Sure I do! About a year back I met him at a ball. He started showering me with flowers and calling me stuff like “Delight of my heart” and “Summer Rose” and worse things I wouldn’t want to repeat with ladies present. I made it quite clear that I didn’t appreciate such behaviour.’

For a moment I wondered how Patsy had made herself 'quite clear'. Then, looking at her big, meaty fists I thought it best to stop wondering.

‘Well,’ I continued, ‘it’s him that Ella is in danger from.’

Patsy stared at me, her face blank.

‘You’re joking.’

‘No, I’m not.’

‘What has he done? Threatened her with a bouquet of tulips or something?’

‘Worse. He wants to marry her.’

Patsy barked a laugh. ‘So he’s up to his old tricks again. Well, what a terrible danger!’

She stopped laughing when she saw the look on mine and Flora’s faces.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said, pulling her face into the best imitation of contriteness that was possible for Patsy. ‘He’s really after her?’

‘With a vengeance,’ I affirmed. ‘And tons of green stuff.’

‘But I really don't see the problem,’ Patsy mused, frowning. ‘He’s after her. So what? Why doesn't she just say no?’ I opened my mouth to answer, but she had already held u

p her hand, understanding flashing in her eyes. ‘Don’t bother, forget I said that. I forgot it was Ella we were talking about.’

‘It… it isn’t always easy to say “no” when people want something from you,’ Flora interposed. ‘Especially men.’

‘I beg to differ,’ Patsy said, firmly. ‘It’s very easy indeed. But I admit there are those unfortunates who don't seem to have understood that fact yet.’

‘So if she won’t say no to him what happens now?’ Eve asked. ‘Will that mean she’ll have to marry him and have a whole lot of babies and grow fat and mopy because she really wanted to do something else with her life but she never said it out loud and so she’ll die a tragic death from sadness and nobody will know why?’

‘Well…’ I said, carefully, ‘I was hoping to avoid that kind of thing. I spent the last few weeks trying to find a way out for her.’

‘Daft of you not to ask us,’ Patsy said with her typical talent for delicacy. ‘It’s always better to have help.’

‘I didn’t want to burden you with my problems.’ I lowered my head. That much was actually true.

‘That’s what friends are for, you dolt! You have to burden them with all kinds of problems, so they can unload their misery on you in return.’

Looking up again, I gave them a tentative smile. ‘I’ll remember that in future, Patsy. Will you still help me?’

They all nodded - Eve about three times as fast as the others and Flora rather hesitantly, but they all nodded.

‘So what should we do?’ Patsy lifted her parasol and let it smack several times into her palm. A thug with an iron crowbar could not have looked more threatening. ‘Do you think I should have a talk with this Sir Philip Wilkins? Just him and me and my parasol?’