I had always suspected that my sister was, on some level, completely off her rocker. It was gratifying to have one’s suspicions confirmed. Besides this purely intellectual gratification, though, I could not receive much satisfaction from the fact.

Though he might in general have a higher opinion of her degree of sanity, in this case Edmund seemed to share my views.

‘I’d prefer the earthly happiness,’ he told her outright.

A weak little smile appeared on her face.

‘That is your warm heart overwhelming your better nature, Edmund, and I love you for it. But please, do not tempt me any further. It pains me to refuse you.’

‘You can still say yes.’

‘No, I cannot. We must not see each other again, Edmund. I will become Sir Philip’s wife… and you…’

She closed her eyes for a moment, and I could see the next words would be the hardest for her.

‘… and you go, find yourself a girl who is not bound. Do not let yourself be dragged into misery. Find love, be happy. Maybe I can continue to live, as long as I know that you are happy.’

‘But I cannot be happy without you, Ella! Not ever!’

‘Do not say such a thing, Edmund! It pains me!’

Then why the heck is she smiling through her tears?

I scratched my head, nonplussed. This love thing was obviously more complicated than I had thought. Oh, I was so glad I didn’t have anything to do with it myself.

‘I will ask you one final time, Ella.’ Slowly, Edmund rose to his feet. Her hand slid into his, and he held it firmly. ‘Will you elope with me?’

She shook her head.


‘You refuse to go against your aunt’s wishes in the matter of Sir Philip?’

‘I beg you, Edmund, understand. I cannot!’

‘Shh. Don’t be anguished, dearest. I understand. I understand, my love. You cannot go against your gentle nature.’ He sighed. ‘Then there remains only one thing for me to do.’

‘Y-you will do as I ask? You will move on?’

In spite of the fact that she was trying to affect a cheerful manner, I could see the fear in her eyes.

Pressing her hand again, Edmund shook his head.

‘No. I shall go out and buy myself a pistol. In the morning I shall call at Sir Philip’s residence and challenge him.’


Any feathers available with which to knock me over? For the second time this night, I was completely taken by surprise. This tradesman’s boy was turning out to be a regular Casanova! Had I heard correctly?

‘W-what?’ Ella stuttered. ‘What do you mean, challenge him?’

Apparently, she hadn’t yet understood what he meant. Or she would not let herself understand, maybe.

‘I mean, challenge him to a duel,’ Edmund replied calmly. ‘To the death.’

She took an involuntary step towards him. Or maybe it was voluntary. You could never tell with these love-struck people

‘Edmund, you must not jest about such things,’ she whispered, her hands clasping the iron poles of the fence tightly. ‘You must not.’