Out of all the possible answers, this wasn’t the one likely to go down well with me. I leant forward over the desk, my glare almost matching his.

‘I’m not some helpless maiden who needs to be protected! I am a free human being and can do whatever I wish. And if I wish to remain in your employ, then I will remain in your employ until such time as I give you a reason to dismiss me, Sir!’

Slowly, Mr Ambrose clenched and unclenched his fingers.

‘You know, Mr Linton, you have a way of saying “Sir” that makes it sound astonishingly like a synonym for “miserable chauvinist worm”.’

‘I wonder why that is.’

There were a few moments of silent brooding. Nobody could silently brood like Mr Ambrose. He seemed to fill the entire office with an utterly still, quiet, silent and dark disapproval that was so thick you could choke on it.

‘So you won’t go of your own free will?’ he finally asked.


‘You, Mr Linton, are stupid and reckless.’

‘Indeed, Mr Ambrose?’

‘Yes indeed, Mr Linton.’

Half a minute more of silent brooding followed. Oh yes, he could brood exceedingly well, and shoot sinister glances, too. But I wasn’t too bad myself.

‘Why won’t you go?’ he demanded.

‘You know why. This is the only chance I’ll ever get at a career, at independence.’

And I don't want to leave you in your hour of need.

The blasted thought was there, undoubtedly. But I couldn’t admit it out loud. I couldn’t even admit it to myself inside.

‘You could get killed.’ It wasn’t a threat. Not even a warning. It was simply a statement of fact.

‘I know, Sir. Would you pay for my burial?’

‘Are you completely mad?’

‘Not completely, no.’

‘Well, then you should leave right now!’

‘I won’t!’

‘I could make you leave,’ he threatened. ‘We both know that in reality there is no “Mister Victor Linton”. I could reveal you for what you are and make you leave so easily.’

‘You gave your word not to!’

A cold hiss rose from his throat. ‘I never felt more like breaking it! You have no place here. It is all just a mirage. A phantasm. An insane dream of yours.’

I leant forward some more, putting my hands on his desk.

‘What do you want?’ I hissed back at him. ‘What do you dream about? Have I ever asked, or dared to criticize?’

The question seemed to catch him off guard. His mouth opened a little bit. ‘Well… no.’

‘Then don't you dare tell me my dreams are insane! Because my dreams are what I live for!’

Silence again. This time, though, it wasn’t brooding. Rather, it was pondering. And so was he. He pondered for a while - a long while. In the end, I decided that this time I had better break the silence.