‘I don't know,’ I said, the beginnings of a disbelieving grin on my face. ‘God’s mercy? A miracle? A nice, bloody train accident?’

‘Lilly! You shouldn’t say such things!’

I grinned at her.

‘Why? What’s wrong with God’s mercy?’

‘You know what I mean. Stop teasing me.’

‘Why, when it’s such tremendous fun?’ I sprang up from my seat and did a little twirl around the room, more graceful than I had ever done in a ballroom. ‘Can it be that I am free? What joy is this, what wondrous joy?’

Ella let out a little laugh.

‘Dear me, Lill, I had no idea you were so poetic.’

‘I’m not. Not when I’m sane, at least. But tonight I feel a mad happiness coming over me! Is this just a dream, or is he really not here?’

‘It’s one hundred per cent real.’

‘Really? You promise?’

‘I do, Lill, I do.’

Quickly, I went to her and knelt in front of her, grasping her delicate hands. ‘Do you think he’s gone for good? Do you think it’s possible I might be free of him?’

She shrugged, still laughing. ‘How should I know?’

‘Or maybe he’s just been detained somewhere this once,’ I fretted. ‘Maybe he’ll show up here tomorrow morning, just as obnoxious as ever!’

‘Maybe,’ Ella admitted.

‘You’re not helping! You’re supposed to soothe and encourage me! You’re my sister, after all!’

‘Or maybe not,’ she hurriedly added. ‘He’s in the army, after all. Maybe he’s been stationed in some colony. Gibraltar, maybe.’

‘Gibraltar? Why so near? Why not the Caribbean? Or better yet, India! Somewhere in the jungle where he can get eaten by tigers!’

We started to giggle like little girls. We couldn’t help it.

‘I don't know what has happened,’ Ella said finally, when we had control of ourselves again. ‘But although I definitely wish him no harm, I wish he’s out of your life forever.’ She encircled me in her slender arms and hugged me. ‘Then you can maybe find true love and happiness.’

‘Love? Me?’

‘Of course! With that young man of yours you told me of.’

‘Oh… yes! Of course, with him! I had nearly forgotten how much I am in love, sorry.’

That night, I went to bed exhausted with happiness, still wondering what could possibly have happened to Lieutenant Ellingham. To some extent, I was also afraid. Was it unreasonable to hope he was gone for good? Would he return and try to catch me in the eternal trap of matrimony? And finally, the most intriguing question: Why had he vanished at all? Was it an accident? A miracle? Or had someone done this? What, or who, could have that much power?

After a while I stopped my useless wondering and, as my mind drifted closer to sleep, the worries over Lieutenant Ellingham fell away, and unconscious thoughts drifted to the forefront of my mind. Thoughts of another man who had been there all along, hidden beneath the surface.

You are lovely.

He had said that, hadn’t he? It hadn’t just been my imagination?

My eyes fell closed, and I began to dream of showers. I had no idea bathroom appliances could be that interesting.
