Astrid pushed open the door and strode inside – her heels clicking on the tiles as she approached the front desk. Since Daniel had been kicked off the force for corruption – and Jake had been exonerated – Jake had been acting as the local sheriff, filling in until they could find someone to take the role permanently. He looked so sexy in his uniform, sitting behind his wooden desk, taking a call. He grinned at Astrid and quickly finished on the phone.

“Good morning, ma’am,” he said, standing up and walking around the desk to join her. “You got a crime to report?”

She smiled into his eyes. “Yeah. The local sheriff has captured my heart.”

“Really? You want it back?”

“No…” she reached out and straightened his tie. “Did I tell you how much I love a man in uniform?”

“I don’t recall you saying.”

“Well, I love a man in uniform.”

“Glad to hear i

t. I love you out of your panties…”

She gazed into his eyes. “I love you too, Jake.”

He kissed her strongly. “I love you, Astrid… Hey, I got you some of those Belgian truffles you like. Take a seat.”

She frowned at him suspiciously, wondering why she needed to be sitting down to receive truffles. But then – maintaining eye contact with her – he seductively removed his tie.

“Are you stripping for me?” she asked, laughing. “Are the truffles stashed in your pants?”

“Not yet.” He stood behind her and blindfolded her, making her chuckle with delicious arousal. She listened as he opened the box of chocolates and held one up to her lips.

“Trust me?”

“I trust you, Jake.”

He moved the chocolate toward her lips and she took it in her mouth. It tasted amazing – so rich and sweet. She groaned with delight. Then she swallowed, relishing the flavor that consumed her entire consciousness.

“Another?” he asked.

She reached up and pulled down her blindfold. “They say chocolate’s an aphrodisiac. Are you trying to seduce me?”

“That’s what I’m hoping.”

“I don’t need an aphrodisiac when I’m with you. A handsome, protective, kind man, who knows how to treat a lady in and out the bedroom is the best aphrodisiac known to womankind.” Astrid stood up and kissed him – sinking into his love. She’d never felt so confident and powerful. Jake was so good for her, and she knew how to drive her man wild.

She fingered the buttons of her coat. “Would you like to see what I’m wearing under here?”

Jake glanced at her bare legs... “You’d better come into the back office and show me.”

“Yes, officer...”

She followed him to the interrogation room, and Jake pulled the blinds. With her back to the window, she undid the belt of her coat, then opened it to reveal a sexy bra, panties, and stockings. Jake’s expression of delight gave her the confidence to continue.

She gazed into his eyes and seductively peeled the coat away from her shoulders, pushing out her breasts – which were enhanced by the lacy bra. “Just for you,” she said.

“Jesus,” he whispered.

Astrid pulled the coat around herself, then she stepped forward and kissed him passionately. He wrapped his strong arms around her, then eased back her coat again, revealing a bare shoulder. He kissed it. “You taste so good. I need to give you a strip-search.”

She laughed. “Oh really? What have I done wrong?”

“You’ve been driving me crazy with desire.”