They both turned to where Graves was holding the struggling Emma against himself.

“Please don’t hurt her!” Astrid shouted.

Jake shrugged. “It’s okay, Astrid. Go ahead, Graves. Blow her fucking head off.”

Astrid’s head whipped around. “Jake, what the hell are you saying!”

“He won’t do it.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because Emma’s on his side.”

Astrid’s mouth fell open in shock. She breathed heavily, still trying to get her breath back from the assault on Simon. “What?”

“Right, Emma?” Jake asked.

Astrid turned to gaze at her little sister. Shocked silence reverberated off the walls as they waited for her answer.

Emma’s rigid frightened demeanor softened and Graves released her from his grip. She stepped away, reverting to the troublemaker Jake had previously known before. “Clever, detective Quinlan.” Emma said.

“What’s going on?” Astrid asked. “Emma… you’re Graves’ accomplice?”

Guilt flashed over Emma’s face. “Just give us the money and we’ll leave.”

“There’s no money,” Astrid said. “What are you doing? You faked your own kidnapping with these two scumbags?”

Emma opened her mouth to explain but, before she could speak, Graves grabbed her again, actually hurting her now and making her struggle. “Cole, what are you doing?”

He pushed her to the ground and pointed his gun at her. “If there’s no money, then I have no further use for you, Emma. As much fun as it’s been… And after I’ve taken care of Emma, I’ll kill you too Astrid.”

“Please…” Astrid stuttered. “Neither of us have done anything wrong.”

“That’s not true!” Graves shouted, suddenly furious. “I’ve promised my technology to some Russians who are keen to sell it on their arms black-market. And other militaries around the world want it too, including the Iranians. If I can’t deliver, my life’s at stake, and you convinced the Quinlans to quash my project. All I wanted was for you to approve it – was it really that hard?”

“But it’s not safe…”

“You’re such a fucking do-gooder. Why couldn’t you do as I ask? You’ve fucked up my project, you didn’t bring my money… and didn’t I say no cops?”

Graves glanced angrily at Jake.

Jake loved these kinds of protracted speeches – it gave him time to think… to plan. “I’m no cop,” he said. “I don’t need to worry about obeying the law, and I’m not afraid to shoot you. So drop your weapon and let Emma go. Right now. Or I’ll blow Simon’s head off.”

Jake directed his gun at Simon. Simon flinched, cowering. “No, please!”

“Why should I spare your life?” Jake asked. “Astrid’s told all about the shit you put her through. So killing you would really be my pleasure.” He turned back to Graves. “You kill Emma and I’ll kill Simon.”

Graves snorted. “Why would I care if you killed Simon? He’s of no use to me.”

“Because he’s still got something you want… the dirt on Astrid. The diaries… it all makes sense now – Simon’s involvement in all this. You bribed Simon to get the diaries from Emma, because he wanted some dirt on Astrid – because she was about to discredit you.” He flicked his glance at Astrid. “You don’t realize how much power you have, sweetheart – how much you’ve always had.”

“I was just doing my job. I don’t make the rules.”

“No. But you’re inc

orruptible. Unbribable. Graves knew that, so he sought out your sister instead. He’d obviously heard how corruptible she is.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Emma said, tears welling in her eyes. “I didn’t know it would end like this.”