“You’re so beautiful.” He stopped massaging and gazed into her eyes. “You need to lift up your hips, sweetheart.” He grabbed his coat, rolled it up and positioned it under her hips. “Easier access for me, and more pleasure for you…”

“Sounds like you’ve thought of everything.”

“I’ve thought of nothing but you since the day I saw you…”

Astrid’s eyes fluttered shut as he lowered himself down and pushed up her skirt, gently licking her thigh, taking it slowly – drawing it out. He made his way up to her panties and delved his tongue inside, varying the pressure on – what she thought of as – the petals of her flower. She ground her hips, rubbing herself against his mouth. It felt so good. “Ohh… Jake… yes.”

“Like that, huh?”

She groaned her confirmation. “Mmm...”

He was totally focused on her pleasure, giving his all to her – as if this was the only thing in his entire universe right now.

He probed his tongue upward and rubbed it hard on her clit, causing a flash of lust to wash through her, then he slipped two fingers inside her and started to rub her G-spot – targeting all the pressure from his tongue on the small area of her clit. The bliss around her pelvis was laser-like; tight and targeted.

He continued to work on her from below, and she felt herself completely relax – suddenly it didn’t matter if the entire state came out to watch. She was liberated – these feelings were perfection. The glorious sizzles of delight between her thighs began quite lazily, like thick honey, but they quickly spread like wildfire, and her muscles tensed. She arched her back, pushing herself into him. Desperate to reach the euphoria she knew was coming.

He was so good at it. Without breaking his rhythm, he continued to rub his tongue-tip on her clit – sucking it to increase the pleasure another notch. His fingers inside her stimulated her at the perfect pace – tingling her G-spot with utter delight.

A wave of pleasure took her as Jake’s lips hummed – vibrating on her clit and causing a hot tingling sensation to envelop her, making her body buzz.

And suddenly, the orgasm erupted inside, like a faucet turning on full blast. The world rushed backwards on rewind as she floated on the plateau of pre-orgasmic tension. Then the overwhelming bliss swept over her – beginning as a tight ball in her pelvis and exploding over her stomach, whooshing into her head like a tsunami. She pushed herself further into him, grinding her hips and extracting as much joy as she could. He moved with her, doing everything he could to make this dancing thrilling rollercoaster-ride as powerful as possible. She was taken by it – possessed entirely by nothing but Jake Quinlan.

Another wave took her, and she felt as if she might blackout – but in the most wonderful way. Everything disappeared – reality melted and her sense of self dissolved into sparkling dust. She was a waterfall of delight – merging with the universe.

And slowly the crescendo faded and she breathed hard, grinning wildly. She opened her eyes and beamed down at her gorgeous man. He propped himself up on his elbows, looking smug – with her wetness glistening all around his mouth.

She burst into giggles. “Oh my god… I’ve never come from that before.”

“Glad it was good for you.” He shuffled up to join her and held her in his arms. “Hey, you want your coffee?”

She nodded, so he grabbed both cups, then they leaned against the door, wrapped in each other’s bliss.

She sipped her drink. “It’s the perfect temperature.”

“Told you.”

Astrid’s body fizzed with joy as they drank in silence. It was nice to share this quiet moment – knowing they were comfortable together without needing to jabber on. But Astrid sensed there was something on Jake’s mind.

“You’re deep in thought,” she said, gazing up at him.

His face was peaceful. “Yeah, I’ve just figured it all out.”

“Figured what out? Hey, I hope you weren’t thinking about the case while you were going down on me!”

He laughed. “No I wasn’t, I swear. I was thinking about something much more important.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. I was thinking about the fact that I’m in love with you.”

He gazed down deep into her eyes, touching her soul with his sincerity. Her heart pounded with joy. “Me too, Jake.”

“That’s so good to hear.” He kissed her. “All right, here’s the plan, we’ll go rescue your sister this evening, then we’ll go find my dad’s treasure. And start a life together. How about it?”

She beamed at him. “Sounds like a great plan.”

“Cool. This time tomorrow, we’ll be free.”