“What the hell are you talking about?”

“I’ve baited you – imagine that, the great detective being baited by me.”

A chill tingled down Jake’s spine as he realized without a doubt who he was speaking to. “What do you want, Graves? Why are you holding Emma?”

“I want my technology approved. I don’t like being told I’m wrong.”

“Is that all you want? That’s why you’ve taken Emma hostage?”

“Yes. That and fifty thousand dollars ransom.

“What’s Simon got to do with all this?”

“Money. Revenge. You name it, he’s into it. But I did make it clear I wanted to only deal with Astrid. So now you’ll have to die.”

Jake’s heart thumped hard in his chest, unable to believe he’d just walked straight into Graves’ trap. He knew Daniel would be hearing his side of the conversation over the radio, but what could he do? Something in Jake’s gut told him to leave right now. But if Emma was here with Graves, he wasn’t going to abandon her. He hung up the phone and crept further inside.


The exhilaration of this situation was making Astrid’s foot jiggle of its own volition. She felt like a soldier as she lay on her front on the grass overlooking the mansion, propped up by the elbows, watching through her binoculars. Her hands were shaking, but she wasn’t sure whether it was because of fear or excitement. She glanced at Daniel who was strewn on his elbows next to her.

“What’s happening now?” she asked, frustrated that she was unable to hear what was going on inside.

Daniel stared through his binoculars, listening intently. “Jesus, I think Graves is on the phone.”

Dread surged into Astrid’s heart. “Graves? So he is involved. What’s he saying?”

“I don’t know, I can only hear Jake’s side of the call.”

“Well, what’s Jake saying?”

“He’s gone quiet.”

“For god’s sake, Daniel. What was Jake saying when he was talking?”

Daniel ignored her and muttered to himself – gaze fixed straight ahead. Astrid watched the house through her binoculars, waiting to see what was going to happen next. A movement by the side of the house seized her attention, and she gasped as she realized two tough-looking guys were jogging toward the building with their guns drawn. They disappeared behind the back of the house.

“Shit, Daniel, who are those guys?”

His binoculars were fixed on the other side of the house. “I didn’t see any guys.”

She punched him in the arm. “You asshole, have you set Jake up?”

Daniel lowered his binoculars and glared at her. “Of course not. You’re seeing things – I didn’t see any men.”

Astrid wasn’t sure whether to believe him, but suddenly that didn’t matter. All she knew was that she needed to get Jake out of there, so she leaned over and shouted into Daniel’s mic. “Jake, you’ve been busted! A couple of guys have just disappeared around the back of the house. I think you’re in trouble!”

Daniel leaned away from her and spoke calmly into the mic himself. “No, it’s fine, Jake, she’s seeing things. You carry on.”

Astrid’s stomach churned with worry. “What did he say?”

“He asked why you’re making so much noise. Shut the fuck up will you?”

“No, I know I saw two guys disappearing around the back – I may not be a cop like you, but I’m not blind or stupid. If they catch Jake they’ll kill him. Tell him to get out of there now!”

Daniel’s tone was condescending. “Astrid, leave this to the experts, will you? Your fear’s making you hallucinate.”

Astrid raised her binoculars. Her heart pounded hard as she saw the two guys re-appear from behind the house and speed back the way they’d come – as if they were expecting something bad to happen. “They know – they know he’s in there. This is a trap! Tell him to get out.”