Clara folded her arms across her chest. “So, Jake, what trouble are you dragging poor Astrid into?”

“Nothing too bad. Astrid’s sister’s been kidnapped, but I’m o

n the run from some corrupt cop who’s got a vendetta against me because he blames me for the death of his brother. And he wants dad’s treasure map. But I don’t care about any of that.” Jake threw Astrid a grin. “All I care about it saving the day and getting the girl.”

Clara laughed. “Sounds delightful!”

Astrid rolled her eyes, but she was secretly impressed. He was so cool.

“You two want some breakfast?” Clara asked. “And a shower? You can tell me all about it.”

Jake glanced over at the group of young men under the trees. They were all gazing over – captivated by their tutor, watching her every move. “What about your students?” Jake asked.

Clara winked. “They can wait. I’ve got individual meetings with them all later, so they’ll get my undivided attention then. Come on, I’ll make you both some coffee.”

Chapter Nineteen

Clara’s apartment at the university was basic but modern, with an open-plan kitchen and living room – and a separate bathroom and bedroom through a door. Jake went off to shower, so Clara made Astrid some coffee and waffles, and they got to know each other. Astrid could see that Jake’s sister’s stern outer-shell was really just an act to keep men out, and inside was an intelligent, friendly woman.

Astrid wondered whether she was similar to Clara in that regard – except that under her shell was someone scared and timid. Clara wasn’t scared or timid – at least she didn’t seem it. She seemed larger-than-life, just like her brothers. Astrid wanted to emulate her.

“So what did the kidnapper say last time?” Clara asked, as they sat together at the small kitchen table. “Just that he’d call again?”

Astrid checked her phone for the hundredth time. “Yeah. I hope he calls soon – I’m so worried about my sister. Hopefully Jake can get his telecoms guy to trace the call.”

Clara gazed kindly at her. “Jake’ll get her back.”

They shared a smile. “Thanks.” Astrid decided to change the subject, feeling emotionally exhausted over Emma. She glanced around the apartment. “Do you like living here?”

“The views are spectacular,” Clara said. “I love the trees and there’s a lake where I can take samples.”

Astrid frowned. “You’re a marine biologist?”

“I am. I’m enjoying educating my students about environmental sustainability, but I do feel like I’m preaching to the converted, you know?”

“The rest of the world isn’t very interested, I guess.”

“Right. But we need to engage people in this issue. I wish my little brother would jump on this bandwagon – he could influence an entire generation of fans to care about our planet a bit more.”

Astrid smiled. “I think it’s amazing that you’re doing this for a living. You’re doing what excites you. Living your dream.”

Clara shrugged. “It’ll never make me a gazillionaire like my brothers, but I’m not as motivated by money as them. I want to make a difference in the world.”

Astrid opened her mouth to reply, but Jake strode over to join them, wrapped in a towel. “Until a rich hunk comes along and sweeps you off your feet.”

“I don’t think so, Jacob!”

He chuckled affectionately. “We’ll see.”

Astrid gazed at Jake. He’d showered, but hadn’t shaved – and he looked gorgeous, wearing nothing but a towel. Astrid was dying to invite him back to the bathroom to shower with her, but she knew she needed to behave in front of Clara.

Jake sat at the table and helped himself to coffee.

“Actually,” Clara said. “I’ve been thinking recently about how much I’d like to have a child.”

Jake almost spat out his coffee. “The single worst thing for the environment, sister dear.”

She brushed him off with a laugh. “I’m so taken by little Quin.” She turned to Astrid. “That’s our nephew – Ivan’s son. He’s so adorable. He’s making me broody.”