Joseph threw his arms around Jake and hugged him tightly, making Jake flinch. Astrid thought he was so sweet. Sexy, yet adorable.

Jake pulled away, visibly shaken by this assault of affection from his little brother.

Joseph grinned. “Hey, you two should hang out with us for a while until it’s time to meet your guy. You want something to drink, Astrid? Come on, I’ll introduce you to Ellie.”

At the sound of her name, Ellie glanced up, with a severe look on her face. But, as she took in the room and noticed Astrid, she smiled kindly. “Hi,” she said. “You’re Jake’s girlfriend, right?”

Astrid didn’t know how to answer that question, so she smiled, and made her way over to say hello. She was relieved to discover Ellie was lovely, and they chatted for ages – getting to know each other and connecting very quickly. Until it was time for the audience to arrive – and for Astrid and Jake to go back to the parking lot for their rendezvous with the kidnapper.


Jake waited for Astrid to walk back into the chilly dark parking lot, then he snuck out behind her and took cover behind the brick wall that ran adjacent to the venue, where he could get a decent view of the space. He had no clue who Astrid needed to look out for, but now that the gig had started, there was no one out here, so the kidnapper should be easy to find.

Jake held his gun snug in his palm. If they could lure the kidnapper over here – and if it was safe to do it – Jake could confront the guy and try to get Emma back. But Astrid would need to stay nearby…

He watched her walking away from him. “Astrid!” he hissed. “Not too far!”

She halted. He knew she was scared, but he was so proud of her. She’d never done anything like this, and she seemed determined to face her fears. That was true braver

y as far as Jake was concerned. Feeling afraid, but continuing nonetheless.

A black BMW at the other side of the parking lot flashed its headlights in Astrid’s face. She started to move toward it.

“No!” Jake growled. “Let him come to you. Don’t move away from me, sweetheart.”

She stepped back and stared ahead of herself, challenging the driver to come over. Jake felt the tension as thick as tar, as Astrid and the driver stared at each other, neither one moving. But eventually, the driver got the hint and started his engine, then crawled the car over to park in front of her. Jake exhaled, and tightened his grip on his gun.

The driver climbed out, but Jake couldn’t see his face. But it was clear from Astrid’s reaction that she knew him…

Her voice was full of terror. “Simon? What are you doing here?”

Jake’s brain clanged with surprise at the involvement of Simon – what the fuck was going on? Had he kidnapped Emma? Why would he? Jake could just about make out the form of Astrid’s dreaded ex from where he was concealed behind this wall. Simon didn’t look like a match for him – he was slender and had a weak chin – but he was tall and loomed over Astrid like a school bully, with a ratty face and casual clothing. Jake could see she was shocked and afraid – she’d frozen and he was doing all the talking. Jake guessed that – for her – this must be like coming face-to-face with Lucifer in a dark alleyway. He coiled his muscles to pounce and intervene, deciding now was the perfect moment to take over, knowing he could tackle Simon easy, and demand he take him to Emma.

Jake gripped his gun tight, and took a step forward to burst into action. The hushed conversation continued ahead of him, and he focused on flattening the guy. But his plans were swept away as his attention was seized by something else… the click of a gun being cocked right behind him.

Oh shit… Just. Keep. Cool…

The guy behind Jake spoke loudly, as if he was panicking. “Get your hands in the air where I can see them.”

Jake knew that voice…

Simon heard it too and looked up. “I said no cops, you fucking bitch.”

He pushed Astrid hard and she fell to the ground, then he darted back to his car and sped away with a squeal of tires.

Jake held up his hands at shoulder height. “You fucking idiot, Daniel – you’ve just screwed up everything.”

Daniel’s voice was full of snidey anger. “Turn around slowly, Jake… Astrid, come over here…”

Jake turned and saw Astrid hurrying over. She opened her mouth to ask what had gone wrong, but she stopped as she saw Daniel standing in front of Jake, pointing a gun at his head.

“Daniel, what are you doing!”

He ignored her and glared deeply into Jake’s eyes. “I didn’t realize you were a music fan, Jake. Or were you just saying hi to your little brother?”

“What the hell do you want? And how did you find us?”

“I followed you when you left town. You’re driving a bright red Ferrari, so it’s not exactly hard to track you. Drop your weapon.”