“Of course not, I’m an office clerk.”

“Well, if you insist on coming with me tonight, let me show you, okay.”

He pulled out his gun. Nerves rippled through her chest at the thought of firing it. “I’m not carrying a gun.”

“No. But I want to show you how to use it. Just in case.” He wandered over to the far end of the field, then picked up a discarded paint pot and propped it up on the fence.

She followed, feeling quite excited about the prospect of shooting the target. She’d never done anything like it, and it seemed subversive and empowering.

“We’ll just try to hit the paint pot, okay,” he said.

“All right.”

He stepped behind her and wrapped her in his arms. Arousal pounded hard between her thighs, and she tried to get a grip, but he was so dominating and commanding.

“You hold it like this.”

He placed the gun in her hands and wrapped his own hands around hers. Then he kissed her on the cheek.

She chuckled nervously. “Don’t distract me.”

“Well, you never know what distractions you might face in a conflict situation – I’m just preparing you.”

“I doubt the enemy will try and kiss me.”

“I dunno, you’re pretty kissable.”

She smirked. “Just show me what to do.”

“Okay… wrap this hand around here – that’s it. And now the other hand here, so you can rest your index finger on the trigger. And then you need to take aim at the target….” He pressed his strong thighs tightly against hers from behind. “Jesus you’re hot…”

She laughed, relaxing a little. “I’m definitely getting warmer.”

“Okay, now press both feet firmly on the ground – a lot of this is about your posture. Lean your weight back into your heels.”

She leaned back and felt his glorious cock rubbing against her ass. A wave of lust took her breath away, but she forced herself to remain calm.

“Okay?” he asked.

“Absolutely fine.”

He let go of her hands and stepped back slightly. “Fire whenever you’re ready.”

She focused all her attention on the paint pot, pretending it was the bastard who’d kidnapped her sister. Then, drawing on all her anger and passion, she squeezed the trigger. The gun fired loudly and the paint pot flew off the fence – as Astrid flew backwards and landed in Jake’s arms. She burst into laughter.

He helped her stand straight and she glanced at the paint pot – which was now on the grass. “Oh my god, I hit it!”

He took the gun out of her hand. “Good shot…”

“Thanks, not bad for a first attempt, huh?”

“You did good. We can have another couple of practice shots, then…” He grinned devilishly. “There was something in your room I noticed yesterday that I wanted to take a closer look at – okay if we go up?”

She gazed into his gorgeous eyes. “Just what is it you want to inspect more closely in my room?”

He pulled her close and kissed her hard. “You, sweetheart. And your bed…”

Chapter Sixteen