Martin chuckled. “We’re having a few friends over later. We like to gather around the piano and sing. It’s what passes for entertainment in these parts. Astrid’s staying – aren’t you, sweetheart?”

Jake glanced at Astrid who was delicately cutting up her food. “Yeah, I may as well while I’m here.”

Jake caught her eye and they shared a smile, which she quickly stifled. He wasn’t ready to leave her yet – especially not if her ex was around. “All right, Martin, thank you. I’d love to join you for that.”


Jake checked into the local hotel, which was an old gothic building that had been run by the same family for years. His room was surprisingly modern, with varnished floorboards, magnolia walls, and an inviting double bed with a cream comforter. He suppressed a desire to roll around on it later with Astrid… she was clearly still mad at him.

But what if he could find a way to apologize to her properly – by making her body ring out in pure lust all night long?

He went shopping for a razor and toiletries, then headed back to Astrid and her family to join their entertainment. Martin greeted him with a hearty handshake, and led him to the living room, which reminded Jake of a parlor room from the Wild West days. The garish wallpaper and old window-frames were charming, and the antique furniture had been pushed up against the wall, to make a clearing for people to socialize and perhaps even dance.

The atmosphere struck Jake like a vacation, and he relaxed into the friendly vibe that was making this place buzz. Although the cooler and darker fall nights were drawing in, it was as if someone had switched on the sunshine. Martin introduced Jake as their guest of honor to the thirty-or-so people here, all dressed in their finest, ready to have some fun. Sally was playing the piano, surrounded by a few other musicians, including man playing the banjo and a woman playing the guitar. Various others were rattling tambourines. The music was upbeat, and Jake allowed himself to sink into the cheerful ambience.

He spotted Astrid chatting with a couple of older ladies, so he made his way over to say hello. A few people welcomed him as he walked across the wooden floor – and he realized there was a true sense of belonging here that he’d never noticed about the small town where he grew up, which had just been stifling.

“Good evening, Jake,” Astrid said, breaking away to talk to him. She looked stunning in a vintage red dress, with her hair twisted on top of her head. Her bright red lipstick made him want to kiss her passionately. She was truly stunning.

“You look beautiful,” he said.

She chuckled. “Thank you.”

“Has Simon showed up?”

“No. hopefully he’ll stay away. He’s not very popular after what he persuaded Emma to do. She still won’t tell me why he wanted that diary. But maybe the great detective will get to the bottom of it.”

He caressed her cheek. “I won’t let him hurt you. If comes anywher

e near you, he’s dead.”

She opened her mouth to reply, but Emma flounced over. She was wearing a clingy, revealing dress and – although she did look pretty – she wasn’t a patch on her sister.

“Jake, would you like to dance with me?” Emma asked, tilting her head and gazing at him with her big eyes.

“Dance?” he said.

Emma chuckled. “Don’t say it like I’m offering you torture. Look, other people are dancing, so I thought we could too. We should make friends after what happened earlier. Okay?”

He glanced at Astrid, who shrugged. “Dance away.”

“All right,” he said. “I did have a few questions I wanted to ask you.”

She grabbed his hand. “I like the sound of an interrogation. Come on.”

She and Jake walked to the center of the room, so he put his arms around her, making sure there was plenty of space between them. She stepped forward, trying to press against him, but he held her at arm’s length.

She smirked confidentially into his eyes. “Frigid, Jake?”

“Just not easy.”

“Oh, that hurts.”

They moved in time to the music. He gazed at her. “You know you’re a lousy thief, right?”

“Really?” She ran her hand along his ass and fingered his back pocket. “I wonder if I could steal your wallet while we’re dancing.”

“Keep your hands were I can see them, sweetheart.”