She shook her head tightly. “No. Any news on the break-in?”

“Not yet.” Jake gazed at her for a moment. “You got any ideas who it could’ve been?”


“You seem to be a woman who knows what’s going on around here. Have you seen Astrid’s ex-boyfriend Simon recently? Think it could be him?”

Morag frowned. “Hmm… I might’ve seen him talking with Emma yesterday afternoon.”

The hairs prickled at the back of Jake’s neck. “Oh yeah?”

“Yes. Emma was with a man yesterday now I think about it. In his car. Might’ve been Simon.”

Jake ground his cigarette against his boot. “Okay. Thanks.”

She squinted at him, seemingly shocked that she’d given him any useful information. She gave him a suspicious look, then wheeled her bike away. Jake wondered what Simon would want with Astrid’s diaries – and why Emma was helping him.

Perhaps it might come to light at dinner...

The dining room at Astrid’s childhood home was the center-point of family life. It was a large room with an old fireplace and wooden floorboards, and a natural homey feel. There was an antique china cabinet pushed up against the wall, displaying old plates and ceramic trinkets, and the rustic table in the middle of the room was huge – making Jake feel as if he was in an old episode of I Love Lucy. Sally was even wearing an A-line gingham apron, which she took off after she’d set down a bowl of mashed potatoes on the table – nestling it among the other bowls of food.

Astrid sat opposite him and he smiled at her, but she looked away, still angry about what he’d done. He kicked her gently under the table, making her laugh out loud.

The others looked over at this seemingly spontaneous outburst.

“You okay, Astrid?” her mother asked.

“Yeah,” she said calming down. “Just remembered something funny.”

Jake winked at her, feeling like a teenager. It was liberating…

Sally passed him a bowl of beans. “Help yourself, Jake.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” He scooped some onto his plate, then he gazed at Emma, who was here under duress. She was making it very clear she wasn’t happy. Jake could feel the sulky sparks fizzing from her aura.

Jake swallowed his mouthful. “So, Emma, what were you doing meeting up with Simon yesterday?”

Astrid dropped her fork with a clatter. “Simon?”

Emma gazed coolly at Jake. “You don’t miss a trick, do you? Been asking all around the town about me, have you?”

Martin shot his youngest daughter a warning glance. “Emma, Jake’s a guest in this house. And you’ve got a lot of explaining to do. Answer his questions.”

“All right. If you must know, yeah I met up with Simon.”

Astrid’s body was frozen with tension. “You should stay away from him, Emma. He’s not a good person – believe me.”

Jake frowned. “Why did he want Astrid’s diaries, Emma?”

“Because he’s obsessed with her. He misses her.”

Martin shook his head wearily. “Stay away from him. And don’t ever betray your sister again. Understand?”

Emma threw him a coy look. “Yes, daddy, of course.”

“Good girl,” Sally said. “Now, Jake, eat up. You’ll need lots of strength for tonight.”

Jake glanced at Astrid. What the hell did that mean?