She shook her head. “No, I’m just a normal woman.”

“You’re not. You’re not like everybody else… Look, I’ve decided I’m giving up this game, going straight. I’m gonna find my fortune – try to be more like you. I’m giving this up for you.”

Her heart pounded in her throat. “Don’t give it up for me, Jake. I’m not even speaking to you at the moment.”

He reached out and held her hand. She didn’t pull away, but relished the tingles of delight that shot up her arm and into her heart. “A thousand times I’m sorry for what I did. But I can’t and won’t do it anymore. I joined the police to try and make a difference in the world, but they kicked me out and I ended up bitter. But you… you don’t seem to be tainted by life. You’re not jaded. Not even after everything you’ve been through.”

She frowned, not understanding why he was saying this when she was actually furious with him. And she was bitter about her sister. But he didn’t see her like that…

She sighed. “I’m nothing special. In fact, I wish I was more like you. Well, with the exception of behaving like asshole, obviously. ”

He laughed kindly. “Seriously, you don’t wanna be like me.”

“I do. You’re brave and strong. Perceptive.”

They shared a smile. “You’re brave, Astrid. You just need to see yourself differently.” He gazed deep into her eyes. “And you know what?”


“You were wrong about your sister being prettier than you.”

She laughed shyly. “Thanks… So what is going on with my sister? Any ideas, Mr. Detective?”

“She’s jealous and frustrated.”

“You think that’s why she stole from me?”

“Maybe. But maybe she had other motives. I might stick around and talk to her. If your dad can find her.”

“She won’t talk to you.”

“We’ll see. I’d like to stay a little longer – take a look around.”

Astrid absentmindedly fiddled with the ring on her finger. “I guess I might stay here tonight. It sounds like Simon’s out of town, and it would be nice to catch up with my parents. And find out what the hell’s gotten into my sister.”

Jake grinned. “Is th

at your blessing for me to stay awhile?”

She shrugged. “Well, now you’re here, you may as well stay for dinner. And my dad invited you, not me.”

Chapter Eleven

While Astrid’s dad was trying to locate Emma, Astrid called the sheriff to tell him not to worry about investigating the break-in and to drop his enquiries. She asked Jake to be discreet, not wanting anyone in the town to know the thief had been Emma all along, so he agreed to keep that a secret – but he wanted to know Emma’s motives. He was sure there was something more happening here than just sibling rivalry, but he needed to gather more information before he could understand the full picture.

Martin located Emma in the park, and she reluctantly came back to the house with her dad. The family wanted to talk to her in private, so Jake excused himself and went outside for a cigarette, not wanting to intrude. He leaned against a sturdy tree and lit up, noticing a middle-aged woman approaching, pushing a rickety bicycle. She had wiry hair and huge glasses, and she looked as if she was desperate for some gossip. Jake had noticed her outside the church when they’d first arrived – she’d been blatantly staring at him, eagerly waiting for something to happen then too.

“Are you here with Astrid?” the woman asked.

Jake took a drag on his cigarette. The mention of her name made his insides lurch with desire, but he didn’t want to give this local busybody anything new to gossip about. He knew how judgmental small-minded people like her could be. “I’m a friend of the family.”

She eyed him up. “Really? What’s your name?”

“Jake. Jake Quinlan. And you are?”


He offered her a cigarette. “Smoke?”