Jake followed Dylan’s gaze and casually turned around. His cool expression surged to panic. “Astrid… Oh no. Oh Jeez…”

She held up her hand to silence him. “Don’t fucking bother, Jake. I don’t wanna hear it.”

Adam tried the charm – but it wasn’t going to work this time. “Ms. Lawrence, Jake honestly would never mean to –”

“Mr. Quinlan, I said I don’t want to hear it. I was coming here to tell you I couldn’t make our meeting today because my dad just called me to tell me… well, it’s none of your business…. But I expect you already know anyway, because this asshole’s probably told you all about it. So I’m leaving town, and you know what... I can’t wait to get away from you. All of you.”

She turned on her toes and gathered as much dignity as she could, only caring now about getting back to her hometown after what her dad had just told her. She didn’t allow herself to glance over her shoulder to see what the men were doing – because more than anything she hoped the lying double-crossing bastard Jake would never follow her again.

Chapter Eight

Astrid’s mind churned with shock and dizziness, as she strode across Times Square, heading towards Penn Station, trying to block out the squealing cars, honking cabs, and yabbering businesspeople. She felt as if she’d stepped into a different dimension where reality was jumbled up the wrong way round. Surely this couldn’t be happening? Why had she trusted that bastard? He was working for the fucking Quinlan Brothers!

He was bragging about their night of passion…

She hurried as fast as she could in her heels, partly to escape from Jake, but also because she was being swept along at this manic pace by the tidal-wave of frantic New Yorkers, who were crisscrossing around her like ants on cocaine.

She bit back the tears stinging her eyes, feeling as if she might melt into a million droplets of liquid glass at any moment. She shouldn’t have come this way – it was triggering her anxiety – but she’d been so desperate to get away from Jake that she’d let her feet carry her off.

Above the sound of a fire truck siren, Astrid’s ears pinpointed a man behind her calling her name. “Astrid, wait!”

She ignored him.

He caught up with her and blocked her way – eyes full of concern. “Please, let me explain.”

“I’ve heard enough from you today, thank you!” She tried to dodge around him, but he stepped to the side and blocked her again.

“Astrid, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“You… you asshole. Get out of my way now, or I’ll… I’ll…”

She gazed into those gorgeous eyes and wanted desperately to kiss him, but instead she drew back her hand and slapped him in the face.

He let her do it – and didn’t even flinch.

The shock of what she’d just done sent tingles of shame into her stinging palm. She’d never hit anyone before. This must mean she really hated him… or liked him way too much.

He rubbed his chin. “I guess I deserved that.”

She knew she hadn’t hurt him – he was strong and tough, and she’d only hit him half-heartedly anyway. “Get out of my way. I’ve got a train to catch.”

“Where are you going?”

“Oh, I’m surprised you don’t already know.”

“Astrid, I haven’t… Look, please, just give me two minutes to explain.”

“No…” She stepped around him and started to walk away, but she realiz

ed she was heading in the wrong direction for Penn Station, so she about-turned and almost crashed into him.

“Please let me explain,” he said, blocking her path again.

She realized she knew nothing about this man who’d managed to capture her heart – then break it all in a couple of days. “Who the hell are you anyway? I bet your name isn’t even Jake.”

“It is Jake. It’s Jake… Quinlan.”

Shock thumped in her chest. “Oh another Quinlan brother – just what I need!” She moved around him – almost knocking over a woman coming from the other direction – and strode away again.