“You’re so tight,” he whispered, gazing into her eyes. “Perfect.”

Astrid closed her eyes as he started to thrust harder. She wanted to watch him in action, but the pleasure was too intense now. One final thrust and he entered completely, then he started to grind against her – positioning her pelvis so that her clit rubbed against his toned body.

He increased the speed and intensity, pounding them both hard and fast, and suddenly the orgasm caught, rising up and overwhelming her body like an explosion of pure bliss. She heard herself groaning hard – crying out, “Yes!” as he continued to thrust, then she lost all sense of reality – consumed completely by the feeling of absolute pleasure, where she floated for an eternity – wave after wave, flying high on the most delightful sensation. He tensed and came hard too, pulling her closer and grinding her harder.

Out of breath and feeling elated contentment radiate all over her body, she slowly drifted back to reality, grinning like crazy – and knowing that her world had changed forever. It was shinier somehow. Jake was perfect. Everything was perfect.

She opened her eyes and saw that he was gazing at her with kind eyes, still standing over her.

“I don’t think I’ll be forgetting that in a hurry,” she said, lying on her back and feeling drunk.

“Glad to hear it.” He withdrew, then lowered himself to cover her like a blanket of pure muscle. He kissed her tenderly on the lips. “What’s the most number of orgasms you’ve ever had in one night, sweetheart?”

She frowned. “One.”

He scoffed. “One? Well, in that case, we can definitely set a new record for you tonight. Just give me a while and we can go again.”

She laughed, unsure if he was serious. Usually, the guys she had sex with fell asleep straight after getting the pleasure they wanted.

She absentmindedly stroked his toned bicep, getting comfy in his arms. “That was amazing. It’s never been like that before.”

“How so?”

“It was so intense. Usually sex is more just comfort for me, with the possibility of an orgasm if I’m lucky. But that was… fucking awesome!”

He laughed and kissed her. “It was fucking awesome for me, too.”

She gazed inquisitively into his eyes, feeling close and bonded to him. There was something she was dying to ask him, and she felt now would be as good a time as any. “What are you resisting, Jake?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I know there’s something… I can’t penetrate the steely wall around you, but I know there’s something on your mind. Something that jars with your ethics. I’m right, aren’t I?”

He ran his fingers through her hair. “You’re right there is. There’s something I need to take care of.”

She kissed him on the lips. “Good. Whatever demon it is that’s holding you’re back, you can overcome it. All right? You don’t have to tell me what it is. But just take care of it. You’ll feel better.”

He nodded. She was right. He decided he was going to pull out of the project – he’d tell Adam and Dylan first thing in the morning. He couldn’t keep spying on Astrid like this. He really liked her, and for reasons unexplained she liked him too. At least at the moment. Even if this went no further than a night of passion, he couldn’t continue this investigation. Not now they’d crossed this boundary.

“I’ll take care of it tomorrow,” he said. “Now come here and let me make love to you again.”

Chapter Six

In the dark dank corridor, Astrid was trying to run, but she was glued to the floor. The walls were closing in – crushing her chest – and terror was sinking its teeth into her very core. Simon laughed maniacally over her, pushing her down to the hard cold floorboards. She writhed to get away from him. She couldn’t see his red hair or his freckly face, but she knew it was him. She could smell him.

“This time I’ll kill you, baby,” he sinisterly whispered.

He was tall and lanky, but wiry and strong. Right now he seemed to be made of metal and concrete. He drew back his boot to kick her in the face. She screamed, gasping for air. “Simon, no! I’ll do anything – please!”

“Too late – it’s time for you to die…” He loomed over her – teeth gnashing. His pale fingers splayed, moving steadily toward to her throat, ready to strangle her to the brink of consciousness – just as he had before, last time they’d argued.

The terror exploded in her mind and she sat up in bed, panting hard, desperate to get her breath back. Her heart thrashed in her ribcage and her chest tightened with panic.

The light went on and she whipped her head around, tensing up and expecting to see Simon. But it was Jake… Thank god…

Blessed relief washed over her, realizing she was safe in New York City. She gazed unfocused at the cozy room as the dread of the dream lingered, tainting reality. This room was small – there was only just enough room to cram a double bed and a closet in here – but it was her sanctuary in this huge city. She loved the hominess of the exposed wooden floorboards, the ornate fireplace, and the peach-colored walls. The high ceilings and bay window made it feel bigger than it was, and the soft uplighters gave it a warm glow.

Jake spoke with concern behind her. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”