“Hey,” Adam said. “We don’t threaten people around our board-table, thank you.”

Dylan stood up. “Perhaps we should adjourn this meeting. Adam and I have a few things we’d like to look into. Ms. Lawrence, can you spare us another day?”

“I planned to file this report to my supervisor today.”

Adam shot her a charming smile. “Please? Just one more day?”

She wished she could resist, but he was so charismatic… and perhaps one extra day might be enough to get them onside. Astrid cared very much about stopping Graves and she didn’t want the Quinlans to waste their time or money on him. It gave him far too much gravitas.

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll give you an extra day. I’ll come back tomorrow to discuss the final report with you, and then I’ll send it to my supervisor who will make the ultimate decision.”

Cole stood up and strutted toward the door. “Adam, Dylan, You will invest in my product. Your company has nothing to worry about. This woman is full of lies and the sooner she’s silenced the better for everyone.”

He pulled open the door and strode out into the corridor, leaving the room reeling from his aggression.

Astrid realized her hands were trembling. She didn’t want to let Adam and Dylan know she was rattled, so she quickly started to gather her things together.

“Are you okay Ms. Lawrence?” Dylan asked.

“Yes, I’m fine. Just trying to do my job.”

“We appreciate that,” Adam said. “And it seems there are things Mr. Graves hasn’t told us.”

“I’m sure your independent agent will uncover the truth for you, just as I have.”

“Oh I’m sure he will. He has a knack for that.”

She stood up straight and caught Adam and Dylan exchanging a glance. “If what you say is true,” Dylan said, “then obviously we won’t be investing in Graves’ project.”

She zipped up her laptop case. “Good. I think having anything to do with Mr. Graves could be a dangerous mistake.” She glanced toward the door. “Let’s hope he’s not loitering in the foyer, in wait for me.”

She chuckled lightly, but she was actually gravely serious. After last night, who knew what he’d do?

“Would you like to wait here for a while and have some coffee?” Adam asked. “Perhaps you could tell us more about this email you’ve received?”

Astrid softened. She was reluctant to bump into Graves again – and her hangover was screaming out for coffee. “Well, I can’t show you the email, or reveal the source, but I’d be glad to explain all the details.”

Dylan threw her a sincere smile. “Great. Well, I’ll just grab some coffee, then why don’t we sit back down and you can tell us all about it?”

Chapter Four

Astrid left the Quinlan Brothers’ office feeling optimistic that they’d pull out of the funding for Graves’ irresponsible project. She’d spent a pleasant hour with them, drinking coffee and chatting about business – and also finding out about their partners, Amy and Sarah, who they seemingly adored. She realized perhaps she’d gotten them wrong.

She strolled across the busy marble foyer toward the exit, but the pull of the muffins in the window of the coffee shop made her halt. She still hadn’t eaten anything today and her hangover was pounding in her head and stomach. A muffin would be the perfect treat. But she knew she should resist. A moment on the lips was a lifetime on the hips…

A figure appeared beside her and she tensed with terror. Graves had waited for her all this time!

“They look good, don’t they?” he said.

She exhaled and tried to suppress her grin at Jake’s masculine gravelly voice.

She tried to remain cool. “Yes. Shame about the sugar and fat content.”

They held eye contact in the reflection of the window. His presence made her feel like a goofy teenager – but also as free as a butterfly. Standing next to him like this, she could see him in all his six-four, muscular, handsome glory. More Greek God, than man.

He looked her up and down with playful eyes. “I hope you’re not telling me you’re dieting.”

She sighed. “Simon says I could do with losing a few pounds.”