Page 9 of His Forbidden Kiss


Kim awoke to a warm body lying beside her. It only took her a second to replay their night together. Trying not to make any sudden moves, she looked to see if he was awake. His eyes were still closed and he had the most adorable look on his face. She could have stared at him for hours and not gotten tired of looking at him. That, however, wasn’t an option.

As quietly as she could, she snuck out of his bed and into the bathroom. Glancing in the mirror, her lips were a little swollen and there were a few red marks on her neck from his whiskers. That’s all that was visible, but she had the most delicious ache all over her body. Never had she had sex like that. Not the kinky stuff or what had transpired later in his bed. Before she would have said that the sex she’d experienced in the past was good. What transpired with Justin last night changed her definition.

Splashing some cold water on her face, she took the toothbrush she’d used last night and brushed her teeth, then used the bathroom. As much as she wanted to get out of there before things got weird between them, Kim knew she couldn’t. It wasn’t as if she’d never see him again. Justin was Mark’s best friend. He came to all their family functions, as well as the occasional family dinner. If things were weird, her family—and especially her brother—would notice.

Squaring her shoulders, she marched back out into Justin’s bedroom with nothing on but his shirt. As promised, she was feeling the residual effects of the night before with every step she took.

He was awake when she walked into the room. “Hi.”

Justin propped himself up on one arm. “Morning.”

Neither said a word for several charged moments.

“I should go,” she said.

He continued to look her over for what felt like forever, and then nodded. “Would you like some breakfast?”

She shook her head even though her stomach protested. They hadn’t stopped to eat dinner last night, but it had been worth the sacrifice. “No. I think I should go.”

Not sure what to do since her coat was still out in the living room where she’d left it, she debated whether or not to take his shirt off here or wait until she had something to cover up with. Even though he’d seen all of her there was to see last night, in the light of day things were different.

Justin must have sensed her indecision. “Keep the shirt. And grab a pair of my boxers out of the top drawer. You can wear those home under your coat.”

A part of her wanted to protest, but when she thought that maybe she’d get to take home something to remember him and their night by, she couldn’t say no. Doing as he’d instructed, she selected a pair of dark blue boxers to match the shirt she was wearing, and stepped into them. He never took his eyes off her the entire time.

Once she was dressed—or as dressed as she was going to be—she crossed her arms over her chest and took one last long look at him. “Thank you. For last night.”

“It was entirely my pleasure.”

“Well. I should go.” She moved toward the door. Before she stepped through, she met his gaze once more. Everything she felt was right there reflected in his eyes. If only things were different.

But they weren’t, so she took a deep breath and walked away from him. Back to her boring life. At least she’d have her memories of their night together. It was enough. It would have to be.

For now.