Page 30 of His Forbidden Kiss


Kim said goodbye to her assistant Friday afternoon and made her way to the elevator that would lead her to the parking garage. Originally, Justin was going to pick her up from work, but she didn’t want to leave her car in the parking garage the entire weekend.

Over the course of the week, she’d talked to Ali more times than she could count. To say Kim was nervous about this weekend was putting it mildly. She was going to be giving up control of everything to Justin for two whole days. While that might not seem like a big deal to some people, for her it was huge.

As if reading her mind, Ali’s ringtone filled her vehicle as she pulled out of the parking garage. “How you holding up?”

The hint of amusement in her best friend’s voice had her rolling her eyes. “I’m not going to chicken out, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Didn’t think you would.”

A horn honked somewhere behind her. It was a quarter after five on a Friday afternoon in downtown St. Louis. Traffic was horrible. Normally, Kim didn’t make it out of the office until after six, which meant she missed the worse of the traffic. Maybe she should have told Justin to pick her up later. “I want this to work, Ali.

“It will. Just try not to overthink it. Trust him to take care of you and let everything else go. You might surprise yourself. I mean, look at Drew. He’s in charge at his job, but he submits to Beth. You’ve seen them together.” Another horn sounded, but this time it was through the phone. “Learn to use a turn signal.”

Kim chuckled.

“I hate Friday traffic,” Ali mumbled.

The exit Kim was looking for finally appeared and she eased her vehicle into the lane she needed. “I’m not used to it anymore. I’m usually still at the office.”

“You work too much.”

“I have to or someone else will end up in my job.” It was a sad reality that to be at the top of her profession, she had to put in a lot of hours. Most days, she arrived before seven and left after six. She did try to take weekends off, but sometimes she didn’t even get that.

“Well, try not to worry about work while you’re with Justin.”

Kim breathed a sigh of relief when she turned onto her street. One of the advantages of living in the city was that she didn’t have a long commute. “Something tells me I won’t have a choice.”

Ali giggled. “True.”

When Kim pulled into her parking spot outside of her apartment, she spotted Justin already there waiting. “He’s here.”

“Hey.” Kim looked away and turned off her engine. “Stop stressing and have fun.”

Taking a deep breath in, she released it. “I’ll do my best.”

“Love you.”

“I love you, too,” Kim said. “I’ll call you when I get back.”

“You’d better. I want all the details. Not like I’m seeing any action lately.” Before Kim could comment on that, Ali added, “Later,” and ended the call.

Kim snatched her purse from the passenger seat and stepped out of the car. Justin exited his vehicle and followed her up the walkway. As she put her keys in the lock, she felt his body press against her back. She closed her eyes and turned the key, wanting to get inside so she could get her hands on him. It had been three days since they’d seen each other. Sure, they’d talked and texted since then, but it wasn’t the same.

She pushed the door open and hurried inside. Within seconds, he was on her. Justin backed her against the wall and kissed her hard. By the time he came up for air, she was ready to cancel their plans and spend the entire weekend there in bed with him.

“Are you ready to go?”

It took a moment for her to register what he’d said. “Yeah. My bags are in my room.”

He gave her another quick kiss, then headed toward her bedroom, leaving her leaning against the wall, still trying to catch her breath.

It felt like only seconds had gone by when he returned carrying the two suitcases she’d packed. “You do realize we’re only going to be gone for two days, right?”

“I wasn’t sure what to bring. You didn’t tell me anything besides we’re going to be staying in a cabin.”

Justin grinned and opened the door once more. He gestured for her to go first, so she pushed off the wall and walked back outside.

After locking up and loading her bags into his car, he drove east toward Illinois. She sat back and tried to relax as the city gave way to open fields.

With the city lights behind them, she needed to fill the silence with something. The silence was killing her. “Have you ever seen Ali play with a Dom at the club?” Kim had been a member for almost four months now and she’d never seen her friend do anything but hang out and work.

“I have.”

When he didn’t elaborate, she pressed him for more information. “Who?”

Justin glanced over at her, then back at the road. “She’s played with a handful of Doms. No one recently, though.”

“Why?” She was pretty sure she knew why, but she wanted to get his opinion.

He shrugged.

“Come on. You’ve been there longer than I have. Isn’t it odd that she’s a member of the club and hasn’t played with anyone in months?”

Again, he glanced over at her. “Have you asked Ali?”

She hadn’t. Ever since Kim had joined the club, the focus had been on her. And then on her and Justin. She hadn’t thought to ask her friend why she didn’t play with anyone. “It hasn’t come up.”

They lapsed back into silence again as they continued to drive. Justin turned off the highway and they drove another twenty minutes before he turned down a two-lane road with no lines. “Are we almost there?”

He grinned. “Almost.”

Five minutes later, they turned down a gravel road. There were no lights anywhere to be seen, which was something she wasn’t used to. Even at her parents’ house in the suburbs, there were streetlights, lights on houses, and from cars going past. Here there was nothing but trees and it was so dark she couldn’t see the ones illuminated by the headlights.

The road curved, and then, as if by magic, a cabin appeared. It was surrounded by trees and about a fourth the size of her parents’ house from what she could see in the dark. He stopped a few feet from a set of steps that led up to a small porch and turned off the car.

Justin opened his door, then went to the back to get their luggage. She followed his lead and exited the vehicle. It was so dark. Since he’d turned off the car, the only light that shone was from the moon overhead and the few stars that were visible in the sky.

He came up beside her and she jumped.

“Sorry.” He didn’t sound all that sorry.

“Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

Chuckling, he motioned toward the door. “Let’s get inside before some creature decides to come out of the woods and eat us.”

“Not funny,” she said.

Kim took a tentative step on the first step, making sure it was solid before ascending the rest of the way to the small deck. She stood to the side as Justin set the bags down at his feet, then removed a key from his pocket.

She scanned the forest as he unlocked the door and hurried inside the moment it was open. His soft chuckle told her what he thought of her fears. “It’s not funny. I’m a city girl. I’m not used to being out in the woods like this.”

He brought the bags inside and carried them over to what she assumed was the bedroom...if you could call it that. The cabin was one big room with a small kitchen area on one end and a large bed on the other. It had a small table with four chairs and a couch directly opposite a fireplace.

It was then she noticed the door next to the kitchen. A bathroom, maybe? She could only hope. Kim wasn’t sure how she’d fare if she had to go outside to use an outhouse in the middle of the night.

Justin was trying not to laugh at the look on Kim’s face. His reasons for picking this location were because it was close and there was plenty of privacy. The nearest neighbor was over a mile away and the only person who knew where they were was Katrina, who had generously given him Garrett’s phone number so he could make the arrangements. It hadn’t crossed his mind that Kim would be terrified of the animals that might be hiding in the woods.

Garrett used the cabin for fishing trips during the summer, so he’d been more than happy to lend it to Justin. Especially after he’d explained to the other Dom the situation.

Putting some wood in the fireplace, Justin busied himself with getting a fire started. While it wasn’t freezing in the cabin, it wasn’t exactly toasty warm either and he had plans for Kim. Naked plans. And he didn’t want her focused on how cold she was. He wanted her focused on him.

This weekend, they were going to start at the beginning and work their way up from there. He’d spent the week reviewing her limits list again and producing a loose plan on what he wanted to accomplish. Depending on her responses, it would have to be adjusted, but he was okay with that. Kim might not be sure she was a submissive, but he was. He’d seen the way she reacted to being dominated. He’d noticed the way her eyes dilated when she’d watched interactions between Doms and subs at the club. Now, he had to get her to see it and embrace that part of herself.

Once the fire was going, he stood and surveyed the room. He’d never been here before, but Garrett had given him a good description. The other Dom had also arranged to have groceries delivered earlier that day. They were stocked and ready to go for the weekend.

Justin walked over to Kim and ran his hands up and down her arms. “Warming up?”

She nodded. “I don’t think I’m ready to take my coat off yet, though.”

He grinned. “How about some dinner? Hopefully, by the time we’re finished eating, the fire will have the room warmed up.”

They moved into the kitchen, and he instructed her to sit before he began opening doors and finding what he needed. “I can help.”

“That’s all right. I want you to conserve your strength.” He winked at her, and she blushed. He loved to make her blush. In some ways, Kim was very innocent. In others, she was a vixen. Kim was both comfortable in her body and shy at the same time. It was something he was excited to explore.

That thought brought a smile to his face. He had a million things he wanted to explore with her. Showing her off was only one of them.

“How was your day?” he asked as he moved about the kitchen. The list of grocery items he sent Garrett’s property manager was simple. He didn’t want to spend all weekend in the kitchen, so he’d opted for three meals they could eat throughout their two days at the cabin.

By the time he finished the pasta and salad, Kim had removed her coat. He dished out their plates of food and carried them over to the table.

“Thanks,” Kim said, picking up her fork.

Justin took a bite. It wasn’t anything fancy, just pasta and sauce, but it hit the spot on the cold evening. “How was your day?”

“Busy. I felt a little guilty leaving early when we have a campaign launching on Monday.” She glanced up at him. “But I have confidence the account manager can finish it up and have it ready to go on time.”

“I’m sure they can. You wouldn’t put someone in charge of an account who couldn’t handle it.”

She smiled. “What about you?”

He shrugged. “I tore out an engine. Spent six hours getting the thing out, then found out we won’t get the part we need for two weeks.” He paused as he took another bite. “Luckily, this isn’t the customer’s primary vehicle, so they’re in no rush for it.”

“That’s good.”

They chatted a little more about work while they finished their dinner. He’d phoned Daniel last night and picked his brain about a few things and the other Dom stressed again to keep it simple. No hanging her from the rafters or anything.

Justin could feel her tension returning once she finished eating. “Did you want me to clean up?”

“No.” He’d planned to have her too exhausted to worry about dishes this weekend.

Kim placed her hands in her lap and waited, at least sensing, if not knowing what was coming next.

Pushing his plate aside, he leaned back in his chair. “From now until we leave this cabin, you are to obey me. No talking back, or second-guessing my commands. Do you understand?”

He saw the muscles in her neck constrict and release as she swallowed. “Yes, Sir. I understand.”

“Good.” He pushed away from the table and stood. “While I clean up, I want you to remove all your clothes and lie on the bed. You’re going to give me a show while I work.”

She was halfway out of her chair when she paused and stared at him. “A show?”

Justin couldn’t help but grin at the look on her face and the reaction he knew he’d get at his next words. “Yes. You’re going to masturbate for me.”

Her eyes went wide and her breathing picked up. He wasn’t sure if that was due to excitement or nerves. He’d always been the one to get her off when they’d been together, but he had no doubt she had plenty of experience touching herself. For years, he’d jacked off to the vision of her bringing herself to release. Tonight, he was going to see it first-hand.

When she didn’t immediately comply, he raised an eyebrow, letting her know he was waiting. Justin wondered if she would protest, but after a few moments, she crossed the room to the bed and began stripping. It took effort for him to pull his gaze away so he could begin cleaning up.

He gathered all the dishes and turned on the water. Getting the dishes rinsed and loaded into the dishwasher couldn’t happen fast enough, but he also didn’t want to rush it.

Kim climbed onto the bed and lay with her head on one of the pillows. She spread her legs wide, putting her pussy on display for him. His cock strained in his jeans at the sight. Her pretty pink lips called to him, begging to be tasted, but he resisted. The end result would be worth it.

She started off slowly, rubbing up and down her sex, gathering her moisture. He watched as she swirled her index finger around her clit, letting out the sweetest sigh as she began rubbing the sensitive flesh.

Justin forced himself to look away long enough to finish what he was doing. He’d never loaded a dishwasher so fast in his life.

After placing all the dishes inside, drying his hands, and turning it on, he made his way over to the bed. She looked up at him, her eyes telling him all he needed to know.

He glanced down at her hands between her legs, watching as her fingers moved. Her nipples were hard, sticking up like beacons begging for his attention. She was beautiful. And she was his.

Moving down the bed, he positioned himself so he could have an unobstructed view of her pussy. Her opening was calling to him, glistening with her arousal. He leaned in to get a whiff, then dipped his finger inside.

When he removed it a moment later, it was covered in her juices. He brought it to his mouth and sucked, savoring her flavor. It wasn’t as good as getting it directly from the source, but it was damn good. And by her reaction, she liked watching him tasting her as well.

“Someone’s being a very naughty girl, making herself all wet.” He was curious as to how she would react. They hadn’t gone down this road before.

But she responded how he’d hoped. “Yes, Sir. I’m a very naughty girl.”

Justin couldn’t hide his smile. “Well, I guess we should take advantage of that, shouldn’t we? Don’t stop touching yourself.”

If anything, she picked up the pace as she rubbed her clit while he removed his clothes. Instead of seating himself between her legs, he cupped the back of her head with one hand and held his erection in the other. He placed his cock between her lips, and she opened for him, sucking him into the warmth of her mouth.

He began to thrust his hips, keeping pressure on the back of her head, moving it the way he desired. Each time her tongue rubbed the underside of his head, he felt his balls tighten. He alternated between watching his cock slide in and out of her mouth and her hand where it continued to pluck her clit in time with each of his thrusts.

“Does my naughty girl want to come?” he asked, feeling his own orgasm building.

She hummed against his cock, and he nearly lost it.

“Let me see you come.”

In less than a minute, she was moaning and arching her back. He pumped into her mouth faster, her gag reflex kicking in, but it didn’t seem to take away the moment. If anything, it seemed to trigger her climax. She came, sucking on his cock with a renewed vigor, and he couldn’t hold back any longer.