Page 18 of His Forbidden Kiss


The drive to Kim’s apartment didn’t take long. Since it was the weekend, traffic wasn’t too bad and her place wasn’t near any major shopping areas. Justin parked in front of her townhouse and followed her inside.

The last time he was there was the day she moved in. He’d helped Mark and Davis move her furniture. It looked a lot different now that there were pictures on the walls and a nice area rug in the center of the living room.

“Is there anything else you want me to get while we’re here?”

Justin had debated on the drive here whether to have her bring an overnight bag. He wanted her in his bed, but he also knew she might need some space after her first real venture into D/s. The selfish part of him, however, didn’t want to give her space. He’d given her seventeen years of space. “You might want to pack an overnight bag.”

“Am I staying at your place tonight?” she asked, sounding more unsure than he was used to from Kim. The last time he’d heard that tremble in her voice was the day she’d showed up on his doorstep three months ago. He didn’t want her to be uncertain about their relationship. He was all in. For this one month at least.

He pulled her into him and covered her mouth with his. The kiss was long and deep, and he felt her body give against him.

When Justin broke the kiss, he waited until she was looking at him. “I want to wake up with you beside me. It’s the one thing I missed out on the first time.”

Thinking about that morning brought all his mixed emotions to the surface. He’d woken up to an empty bed and for a second he thought she’d left without waking him. And maybe she would have if given the chance. They’d never know.

“I wanted to stay.”

He kissed her again. This time, keeping things light. “Get your things. We still need to swing by my house.”

Kim nodded and disappeared into her bedroom.

Justin strolled over to the window and attempted to get himself in check. He was hoping for a good night, but after this afternoon, he wasn’t sure. She had a lot to learn, and he was hoping in time she’d be able to fully trust him with her submission. Only time would tell.

After stopping by his house so he could change, they headed to the club. It was early, but he knew Ali would most likely already be there. Kim’s best friend often helped to set things up before the club opened on Saturdays on top of her coat check rotation.

He swiped his membership card to allow them entrance, hung up both their coats in the coat check, and then guided Kim into the main part of the club. Katrina was making her way down the stairs. She spotted them right away and he was positive he saw a smile tug at her lips.

The sound of Katrina’s heels echoed in the space with the lack of people and no music to drown out the sound. She walked toward them. “You two are here early this evening.”

“We were hoping to catch Ali before everyone else got here,” Justin said.

Katrina glanced at Kim, then nodded. “The last time I saw her, she was in the women’s locker room.”


“Of course.” The club mistress smiled. “Let me know if you need anything else. I’ll be around.” Katrina strolled off toward the bar, no doubt to continue making her rounds to ensure everything was ready for tonight.

Justin placed a hand on Kim’s lower back and urged her toward the women’s locker room.

“We’re talking to Ali?” Kim asked.

“No. You’re going to talk to Ali. I’m going to wait out here.” He stopped in front of the entrance to the locker room.

Kim looked confused. He could see those wheels turning in her head again.

“I want you to talk to her about what happened earlier. I think you need to talk to another submissive, and since you’re comfortable with Ali, she’s the best choice.”

He could see the urge to argue in her eyes, but she held her tongue. “Okay.”

Justin closed the distance between them, tilted her chin up, and looked into her eyes. “Come find me when you’re done.” Then he placed a soft kiss on her lips and dropped his hand before turning on his heel and heading toward the bar.

He was hoping having Kim talk to another, more experienced, submissive would be good for her. Kim needed to get out of her own head if a D/s relationship was really what she wanted. Hopefully, Ali could help her with that.

Sliding onto one of the barstools, Justin waved to Brandon.

“You’re here early.”

“I wanted Kim to have a chance to talk to Ali before things got crazy.”

Brandon nodded. “Beer?”

“I think I’ll stick to water, for now.”

The bartender fished out a bottle from under the bar and placed it in front of him. “Trouble with the new sub?”

Justin twisted the cap off the water bottle and took a long drink before answering. “She’s having trouble getting into the right headspace. I’m hoping talking with Ali will help with that.”

Brandon dumped a bucket of ice in the bin. “You know, I think a group of subs from the club meets once a week at Beth’s café.”

He recalled hearing about a new group that had formed in the past few months. Having more subs than only Ali to talk to could be good for Kim. That is, if she decided she wanted to continue this. “Thanks. I’ll talk to her about it.”

More people arrived. One couple went straight upstairs. He let his gaze linger on their ascent as he tried not to think about the conversation Kim and Ali were currently having.

“I screwed up, Ali.” Kim plopped her butt down on the bench and immediately regretted it. Although her ass wasn’t as sore as it had been earlier, it was still a little tender.

Ali stopped what she was doing and sat down next to her friend. “What happened?”

“Everything was great. We were kissing, then he told me to strip.” Kim tried to pull her skirt down, to no avail. She still couldn’t believe he hadn’t allowed her to wear panties tonight. Okay, yes, she could. After what happened this afternoon, he probably wouldn’t let her wear underwear again when they were together.

“Did you refuse?” Ali asked when her friend didn’t continue.

“Not exactly.” Kim met Ali’s gaze. “I took my clothes off, but then he asked me to hand him my panties and instead of giving them to him, I asked him why.”


“Yeah. He wasn’t happy.”

“I wouldn’t think so.” Ali grabbed Kim’s hand. “What did he do?”

“He spanked me. And it wasn’t like before.” Last night when she’d told Ali about her one night with Justin, her friend had wanted details. Kim had shared with her how she’d liked it when he’d spanked her and how shocked she’d been at her body’s reaction.

“It wasn’t supposed to be. One was for pleasure. The other was for punishment.”

“That’s exactly what he said.” Kim was pouting and she knew it.

Ali gave her a long, hard look. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

“What do you mean?”

Two women came into the locker room to change, so Ali stood and pulled Kim over to the far corner. It wasn’t exactly private, but at least they wouldn’t be in the way. “Submission is about giving up control and trusting your Dom.”

“I trust Justin.”

“Do you?”

“Yes,” Kim said.

“Then why didn’t you do what he asked you to do when he asked you to do it?”

That seemed to be the million-dollar question. “I just wanted to know why he wanted them. It seemed like an odd thing to want.”

Ali shook her head. “The point is, it doesn’t matter why he wanted them. You were playing. He’s in charge. Your job is to trust him and to obey.”

Kim opened her mouth to argue, but Ali cut her off.

“No buts. A good submissive obeys her Dom and trusts him to lead her. If you don’t trust Justin as your Dom, then it isn’t going to work.”

She didn’t respond right away. “What if I can’t?”

Ali didn’t sugarcoat it. “Then maybe this lifestyle isn’t for you.”

“But what about how my body reacted?”

“Maybe you just like a little kink in the bedroom.” Ali stood again as more women came in. “That’s not the same as a D/s relationship. You need to figure out what you want, and I would suggest you do it before you break Justin’s heart.”

What could she say to that? Deep down, she knew Ali was right. She’d been at the club for long enough to know how the dynamics between Dominants and submissives worked. The question was whether that was what she wanted in her own life.

“Think about it,” Ali said. “Maybe try it out, see what giving up total control is like. You are at a BDSM club after all.”

Kim laughed and pulled her friend in for a hug. “Thanks, Ali.”


She smoothed down her skirt and made sure nothing was showing that shouldn’t be. “I should probably go find Justin.”

“Good luck.”


Kim waved to a couple people as she left the locker room, but she didn’t stop to talk. Justin had told her to talk to Ali and then come find him. She didn’t want to disobey him again.

The club was filling up as she stepped out into the main room. Music was playing, and there was a couple already on the dance floor.

She scanned the room, looking for Justin. It took her a few moments to find him. He wasn’t at the bar talking to Brandon like she thought he’d be. Instead, he was chatting with Lady Beth.

Kim debated whether to interrupt them, but Ali’s words kept playing in her head. Deciding not to overthink it, she crossed the room and came to stand by Justin’s side. He smiled, wrapped his arm around her waist, and pulled her against his side. She breathed a sigh of relief that she’d obviously chosen correctly this time.

“Beth was telling me about a group of subs from the club that meet at her café on Sunday afternoons.”

“I’m sure they’d love to have you,” Beth said. “Drew’s there when he’s not on shift at the firehouse. And Ali comes sometimes, too.”

Ali had never mentioned going to a submissives group. Even after Kim had joined Serpent’s Kiss. It made her wonder if Ali really didn’t think Kim could be in a D/s relationship. “What time?”

She felt Justin’s hand flex on her hip and wondered if she’d made another faux pas.

Beth smiled. “One o’clock. Since the café is closed on Sundays, there’s complete privacy.”

“I’ll try to come. Thank you for inviting me.”

“You’re welcome. There are always some bumps in the road for a new submissive. Hopefully, having some other subs to talk to will help.”

Kim wondered what Justin had told Lady Beth but decided to keep her thoughts to herself. “That would be good.”

They spoke with Beth for a few more minutes before Justin’s attention shifted and he asked Beth to excuse them.

It was on the tip of Kim’s tongue to ask where they were going, but she forced herself to remain quiet. Ali told her to trust her Dom and she was going to try. What was the worst that could happen?

She found out the answer to that question a few minutes later as Justin led her upstairs to the second floor. This wasn’t her first time upstairs, but it was her first time with a Dom. Her mind began swirling. Were they going to watch? Play? She could feel a mixture of panic and excitement settling in her stomach.

Justin headed for the end of the hall and opened the door on the right. It was a playroom like all the others she’d seen on this level. There were floggers, crops, whips, and several things she didn’t have names for hanging up on the far wall. A spanking bench was tucked in the corner and Kim hoped that wasn’t what he had in mind. She wanted to be able to sit down come Monday morning.

The sound of the door closing echoed in her ears. Was she in trouble again?

Kim watched as he moved around the room, coming to a stop in front of a long wooden table. He opened one of the drawers and removed what looked like a scarf of some kind. That didn’t look too scary. Maybe he was going to tie her wrists like he’d done on that first night.

Her pulse kicked up a notch when he came behind her and brought the scarf over her head to cover her eyes. The urge to question him surged to her lips, but she managed to keep quiet. He secured a knot behind her head, and she was cast in total darkness.

“Tonight, we’re going to work on trust.”

She swallowed.

“Did you talk with Ali?” He was at her side now.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Did you tell her about today?”

Kim closed her eyes out of habit, even though she already couldn’t see anything. “I told her I screwed up.”

His lips were at her ear. “And what did she say?”

Although it was a question, Kim was pretty sure he already knew what Ali had told her. It seemed to be the theme of the day. “She told me that if this was what I wanted, that I needed to trust you.” That wasn’t exactly what Ali had told her, but that was the gist of it.

“And is it what you want?” He’d stepped away again.

The not knowing where he was had her wanting to rip off the blindfold, but she resisted. “Yes. It’s what I want. I’ll try harder.”

Then she felt something touch the back of her leg and she flinched.

“Tonight, we’re going to work on trust. I want you to keep your hands at your side unless I say otherwise. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” Kim blew out a breath and tried to prepare herself. She had to trust him.

He ran whatever it was up the back of her leg to the edge of her skirt, then moved to the other leg and did the same. It tickled a little when he reached the back of her knee, but she kept still. She could do this.

Once he’d reached her ankle, she felt him move around to her side, then a quick slap to the back of her thigh. It stung, but it didn’t really hurt.

Then he came to stand in front of her and began sliding the object up the inside of her leg. Her skirt was higher in the front than in the back, and she was very aware of the fact that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. She wanted to open her legs more but forced herself to remain still.

As he continued to touch her with the toy, she felt herself starting to relax. When he was finished with her legs, he moved to her arms. He brought the implement down to her hands, and she was tempted to use her fingers to explore and find out what it was he was using. But she was afraid if she did, he’d stop and she didn’t want that.

Justin ran the object along her collarbone, then down her cleavage. She sucked in a breath as he skimmed over each of her nipples.

He hadn’t said a word the entire time, and maybe that should have made her nervous, but it didn’t. She could feel him there. Feel him watching her. Watching her reactions. It was turning her on in a way she hadn’t imagined.

Kim knew the moment he stepped away and heard moving behind her. She waited to see what he would do next. The anticipation was building inside her and she wanted him to touch her.

When he returned to stand behind her, she could feel his heat radiating against her back. But instead of touching her, he ran something else along her leg. Whatever it was felt...fuller?

She wasn’t sure if that was the right word, but it was all she could think of at the moment. Where the other toy had a single touching point, this seemed to have many. As she turned her mind off and allowed herself to feel, she was pretty sure it was a flogger. It felt completely different on her skin than the other toy—almost like a caress.

By the time he skimmed it along her stomach, Kim’s entire body was tingling in anticipation. She didn’t suspect what he would do next, but she wasn’t sure she cared.

No sooner had that thought crossed her mind than she felt his finger trace a line down her chest and circle her right nipple. She hadn’t been able to wear a bra with the shirt he’d chosen, so she knew he’d be able to see her body’s reaction.

Still, he remained silent.

His fingers pinched and pulled her nipple through her shirt, making it hard. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep quiet. Heat rushed between her legs and she ached for more.

Then, before she’d realized what he was doing, the knot in the center of her top released, freeing her breasts. Cool air hit her warm skin, breaking some of the spell, and she gasped. Without thinking, her hands went to cover herself.