Page 4 of His Forbidden Kiss


Deciding to test the waters, he ran his index finger over her collarbone and down to the valley between her breasts. Kim sucked in a deep breath.

“What did you think of Serpent’s Kiss?” he asked while he continued to move his finger along her skin. His touch was innocent for the most part, but he couldn’t deny how good it felt to touch her like this.

“I-I liked it.”

He raised an eyebrow at her. She’d have to do better than that.

“Ali took me up to the second floor.”

So she’d seen some play. “And?”

“I watched a woman get spanked.”

Justin didn’t miss how her breathing changed. “Did you wish it was you?”


“Did you want to be the one who was getting spanked?” he asked.

When she didn’t answer, he tried again. “Have you ever been spanked before, Kim?”

She swallowed. “No.”

“Have you ever been tied up? Held down?”

“No. I…” A new rush of blood warmed Kim’s cheeks. “I’ve only had regular sex before.”

“And did you enjoy it?”

She seemed startled by his question. “The sex?”

“Yes.” He skimmed the top of her breast with his fingertip. “I want to know if you enjoyed your vanilla sex.”

“Yeah. I mean, of course I did. Sex is supposed to be enjoyable, right?”

Justin grinned. “It is. But I was more trying to figure out what it was that led you to your exploration of kink.”

“Oh. Well, I sort of…I found Ali’s toy bag. Or I guess you could say I tripped over it.”

That made him chuckle. “What did you find in there? Anything intriguing?”

The blush was back. He was enjoying this. Probably too much, but how often did he have a beautiful woman sitting naked in his living room?

Kim shrugged and it brought his finger in contact with more of her breast. “She had a lot of dildos and vibrators.”

He grinned and dropped his hand. His erection wasn’t going away. “Where are your clothes?”

She seemed confused by the change in topic. “I didn’t wear any. Just the coat.”

Well, that explained her wearing a coat when it was seventy degrees outside. “You came over here in nothing but your coat?”

“Yes. I wanted you to know that I was serious. I want you to show me. I want to see if I can do this. If this is what’s been missing from my relationships.” She looked as if she was ready to cry again.

He took her face in his hands and brought his mouth down to hers.

It took her only a moment before she was kissing him back and, oh, it felt good. More than good. Her lips were soft and luscious and she tasted like peppermint—no doubt from a mint she’d been sucking on in the car on the way over to his house.

When he broke the kiss, Justin rested his forehead on hers and looked her in the eye. He had a decision to make. He could make her put her coat back on and send her packing, or he could take her up on her offer. They were both adults. He knew that. But could he betray his best friend by defiling his little sister?

Kim seemed to know what he was thinking. “Mark doesn’t have to know. I won’t tell him if you won’t.”

“He would never forgive me.” It was the truth and they both knew it.


Her plea did something to him. Right then he didn’t care about Mark or any other member of her family. He’d wanted her for almost twenty years and here she was sitting in his living room offering herself to him.

“It can only be tonight.” He had to put that out there.

“I know.”

Grabbing hold of her hair at the base of her neck, he tilted her head back and kissed her hard. She gasped, but then met his aggressive tongue with an enthusiasm he knew was genuine.

When he pulled back several minutes later, he was out of breath. So was she. “The club requires we get tested for STIs every six months.”

As usual, the change in subject didn’t affect her in the slightest. “I got tested after I broke up with my last boyfriend.”

Justin didn’t need to ask her how long ago that was. He remembered Mark ranting about how the scumbag had stood his sister up one time too many and she’d finally thrown him to the curb. She’d been single for three months. How sad was it that he’d been keeping track?

He could see the hope in Kim’s eyes as he sat there weighing his options. Sure, he could tell her no and send her home, but heaven help him, he didn’t want to.

“Your safeword tonight will be teddy bear,” he said. “If at any time I do something you don’t want me to do, say it and I’ll stop.”

She smiled and nodded. He knew she understood the significance of the safeword he’d chosen. When she’d graduated from high school he’d gotten her one of those little graduation teddy bears.

He stood and motioned for her to follow him.

Justin led her down the hall to the room across from his bedroom. It had a bed like any other spare bedroom, but it also had several other things that he’d adapted for play.

Kim stood there eyeing everything. It wasn’t anything close to the setup at Serpent’s Kiss, but it fit his needs whenever he brought a sub home.

He ambled over to the spanking bench in the corner of the room and ran his hand along the leather. “Tonight you’ll be my submissive.”

She watched his every move.

“You will call me Sir at all times and when I give you an instruction you are to follow through without hesitation. Is that understood?”


He walked over to stand in front of her. “Yes, what?”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t get that.”

Her eyes widened again at his tone, but this time she answered with more confidence. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good.” Justin brushed his thumb along her jaw. He would have to remember that this was her first time. “What’s your safeword?”

“Teddy bear, Sir.”

He smiled and trailed his fingers down her neck to where she was clutching the blanket. She loosed her grip as he began separating the fabric. The blanket slid off her shoulders, revealing her tits. Earlier he’d been in such a hurry to get her covered up that he hadn’t taken the time to appreciate them, but they were truly magnificent.

Pulling the blanket completely away from her body, Justin lowered his gaze. His cock strained against his jeans as he took her in. Tonight she would be his to do with whatever he wished. Tonight he would fulfill his fantasies.

Throwing the blanket on the back of the chair, he never took his eyes off her as he extended his hand for her to take.