Page 37 of His Forbidden Kiss


Kim had told Ali what had happened with her dad and brother. Her best friend had been sympathetic. “They’ll come around. It’s just going to take some time.”

She really hoped that was true.

Thoughts of Ali and her family were pushed to the back of her brain as she and Justin reached the second floor of the club. It was almost nine and the club was in full swing. That meant the second floor was busy. Individuals and couples lingered in the wide hallway, peering into the rooms, watching the play taking place inside.

The sound of a paddle smacking against skin drew her attention to a room on the left as they passed by. Justin hadn’t used anything but his hand on her, but she figured he would eventually. And the woman on the other side of the glass didn’t seem to be complaining. In fact, Kim thought she heard the woman moan.

One of the first things Kim had learned when she joined the club and ventured up to the second floor was that the walls were thin. Or at least there’d been no effort to deaden the sound. While those in the hall typically couldn’t hear the words that were being spoken between the people playing, the sound of paddles, whips, and floggers carried.

Justin paused and pulled her over to the window. She gazed inside and sure enough, a woman was tied to a spanking bench with her bare ass showing for all the world to see. Her Dom stood with a long wooden paddle in his right hand, getting ready to land another blow to the submissive’s already rosy backside.

When the Dom’s arm came down and the paddle landed solid on the submissive’s flesh, Kim felt Justin move to stand behind her. His lips pressed against her ear. “She seems to be enjoying her Dom’s paddle.”

A second later, the Dom reached between the submissive’s legs, moving his fingers through her folds several times. Then he brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked.

Kim’s interior muscles clenched. Justin had done that, dipping his fingers into her center and tasting her after he’s spanked her. She didn’t understand why being turned over his knee and disciplined like a child turned her on so much, but it did. And she was learning that her reactions weren’t so strange, after all. Other women liked to be spanked, too. “Yes, Sir.”

Justin’s hand grazed the outside of her hip and moved lower until he reached the hem of her skirt. Her breath caught again when he began moving his hand upward. This time, there was no clothing between her and his fingers.

She glanced around, nervous about someone seeing, but no one was paying attention to them. The hallway was dim, and people were either watching what was going on inside the rooms or they were on their way to a room themselves.

Then his fingers brushed over her lips. Heat and moisture rushed to her sex.

“Relax and watch the naughty girl get spanked.” His whispered words were punctuated by a gentle tug of her clit.

Kim couldn’t stop the soft moan that escaped. His fingers felt so good and she found she was less worried about who might see them than the need for him to keep touching her. As the Dom behind the glass turned the submissive’s ass a nice shade of red, Justin continued to play. His fingers massaged and tugged at her skin and she could already feel the wetness dripping down the inside of her thighs.

When the Dom finally laid the paddle down, he swiped a condom from a large bowl next to the door. He dropped his pants around his ankles, rolled the protection on, then spread the submissive’s cheeks. But instead of driving into her pussy, he reached for a bottle on a nearby table. He squeezed and drizzled what she realized had to be lube down her crack.

It was then Kim realized what he was going to do. She watched in fascination and a little trepidation as he swirled the lube around her hole, then pushed his fingers inside. He pumped them several times before lining up his cock and thrusting his hips forward.

His hips slapped against her red ass and Kim heard her moan. Her body clenched as heat coiled in her belly watching the scene. Had Justin planned this? They’d been talking about anal since they came back from their weekend away. She was nervous about it but seeing this was changing her mind. The submissive didn’t seem to be in pain. If anything, she looked as if she were about to burst with pleasure.

Then the Dom reached for a small vibrator that looked no bigger than a finger. He turned it on and held it between the sub’s legs, directly on her clit. The sub cried out and Kim’s sex pulsed in response.

Justin moved his fingers onto her clit and began circling. “Alexander and Grace love anal sex. It’s one of her favorite things and he gives it to her often.”

Kim blinked and focused on the couple before her. She knew who Alexander and Grace were. They’d given an anal sex demonstration before the entire club on her first night as a member. She hated to admit it, but she hadn’t watched much of it, afraid of what she might see. But this Sexy. And with Justin playing with her clit, she was close to coming.

“She’s going to come,” Justin whispered in her ear.

Grace’s entire body was flushed all the way down to her toes. She was moaning and her fingers gripped the soft pads of the bench. Then, less than thirty seconds later, she screamed out her release.

Justin dropped his fingers, leaving Kim aching. He turned her around to face him, cupped the side of her face, and kissed her hard.

Her head was spinning when he released her and she almost tripped over her own feet when they started walking again. He kept his arm around her waist, though, apparently aware of her precarious balance situation.

They entered the room they’d played in twice before and she looked around. There was already a pillow on the floor in the center of the room. He shut the door behind them and lowered the blinds on the window.

She stood, waiting. They’d never played with clothes on before, but he hadn’t instructed her to remove them. While she might not be the best submissive yet, she knew it was best not to do anything until he told her what he wanted her to do.

Justin turned and smiled. He extended his hand, and she took it.

They walked to the middle of the room, the pillow next to her feet, but he didn’t tell her to kneel. Instead, he dropped her hand and stood in front of her. He looked serious and she wondered if she’d done something wrong again.

“I wanted to do this at the club because this is where everything began. It’s where you first saw me and decided you wanted me to be the one to show you what it was like to submit. It’s also where we decided to give a relationship between us a go.”

Warmth grew in Kim’s chest as she listened to his words. Justin could talk dirty to her and send her body flying, but there was something about hearing him talk about how their relationship started that pulled at her heart.

He removed something from his pocket and held it out so she could see it. In his palm lay a silver chain. It was simple and plain. “I wanted something you could wear, even at work.” His gaze held hers. “Once I put this on you, I never want you to take it off.”

Kim swallowed. Even though he hadn’t said it, she knew exactly what it was. He wanted to collar her. To make her his.

The thing was, she was already his. She always had been. Even before their one night together. It was why no other man had measured up. She’d always been Justin’s.

He held it up in front of her. “Will you wear my collar, Kim?”

She couldn’t stop herself from smiling. “Yes, Sir.”

Justin grinned back at her and came around behind her. “Lift your hair.”

Kim gathered her hair and held it off her neck.

His fingers skimmed her neck and collarbone as he placed the collar around her neck and secured it. He placed a kiss on her shoulder, his lips lingering on her skin. “You look beautiful wearing my collar.”

She released her hair and brought her hand up to touch it as it lay flat at the base of her neck. “Thank you, Sir.”

“Thank you, baby.” He brushed her hair aside and continued to place kisses along the back of her neck, following the line of her new collar. “I plan on making you a very, very naughty girl. Are you ready for that?”

The seriousness of the moment turned in an instant to anticipation. “Yes, Sir. I’m ready.”

And she was. Very ready. Whatever they had to face, it would be okay if they did it together. Everything felt right when she was with Justin.

He turned her in his arms and crashed his lips over hers. “I love you, Kim. I always have and I always will.”

Kim gazed up at him, seeing the love in his eyes. “I love you, too, Sir. I wish we hadn’t waited so long.”

Tucking her hair behind her ears, he kissed the tip of her nose. “It doesn’t matter. We’re together now and I plan on keeping you.”

“What if I want to keep you?” She knew she was playing with fire, but she didn’t care.

A wicked look came into Justin’s eyes and before she knew it, she was being hoisted over his shoulder and carried over to the spanking bench. She guessed it was time for him to discipline his naughty girl.