Page 34 of His Forbidden Kiss


“You look tired,” Kim said as they dug into the pizza.

“Long day.” He took a bite of pizza and met her gaze. “It’s much better now.”

“Because of me or the pizza?” She was teasing him, and it felt great.

“Both.” His gaze trailed over her body before returning to her face. “Definitely both.”

He scarfed down the first slice of pizza and took another, biting into it as if he hadn’t eaten in days. “Did you eat lunch today?” she asked.

“I had a candy bar around one.”

She frowned. “That’s not lunch.”

Justin shrugged. “It was all I had time for, and I barely got that down before I had to put out the next fire.”

“I’m sorry you had a bad day.” It was a complete contrast to hers. After her phone call with Mark, she’d had two client meetings and an executive lunch. The rest of her day had been spent catching up on emails and returning calls.

“It happens.” He polished off his second slice of pizza, then smiled at her. “Part of owning my own business. Besides, if I remember correctly, you had a not so stellar day last week that I helped you forget.” His wicked grin returned, and he was no longer paying attention to the pizza.

Kim slid off the stool and onto the floor. Luckily, there was a mat where they were sitting, and she didn’t have to be on the concrete floor. She knelt in front of him and ran her hands along the legs of his jeans. “Would you like me to help you forget, Sir?”

He nodded and her hand went to the button on his jeans. She released it, then lowered the zipper. He was wearing underwear today, but she could work with it.

Lifting his hips, he helped her move his jeans out of the way. Without the constricting fabric of his pants, his erection stretched the fabric of his underwear. She pressed her lips against the bulge, and he groaned. “You’re gonna pay for teasing me, baby.”

“You don’t like it when I tease you, Sir?”

Justin chuckled. “I didn’t say that.”

Deciding to push her luck, Kim skimmed her nose along his length before pulling the fabric out of the way. His erection sprang free, standing proud and begging for her attention. She met his gaze as she closed her mouth on the head of his cock.

The rumble that sounded deep in his chest went straight to her clit.

For some reason, she wanted to tease him. She wanted to drive him crazy. So instead of taking more of him in her mouth, she concentrated on the tip. She ran her tongue around the ridge and massaged his hole, all the time providing gentle suction with her mouth.

His hands went to her head. He fisted her hair, sending a shot of pain through her skull. She noticed he didn’t tell her to stop, though.

Taking a little more of him into her mouth, she flattened her tongue along the underside of his shaft, dragging it up, and then returning her attention to his head. She did this over and over and his hold on her hair tightened. Giving a blow job had never been so much fun. Or had made her this hot.

She’d been about to take him to the back of her throat when he ripped her mouth away. His cock was glistening from her mouth, but she didn’t get to look at it for long. Justin lifted her by the arms and set her on her feet. Then he flipped her around and bent her over his lap.

Kim knew what was coming before his hand connected with her ass. The sting was an electric shot to her system that sent liquid heat to her sex.

He massaged her butt before he spanked her again. “No panties?” Smack. “You deserve this spanking even more than I thought.” He landed three more blows in quick succession. “You like teasing your Dom, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

More smacks and Kim began squirming against him, needing friction. She wanted him to touch her clit. She wanted him inside her. She wanted...more.

“My needy girl wants to come, does she?”

“Please, Sir.”

But he didn’t let her come. Instead, he continued to smack her ass until it was burning. Then he put her back on her feet and dragged her across the room to stand in front of a car that looked older than she was.

He left her long enough to flip the light switch on the wall behind them, cloaking them in darkness. The only light came from over his work bench twenty feet away. She could still see him, but anyone who happened to be outside wouldn’t be able to see more than shadows.

Justin returned to stand in front of her. He slipped his hands under her skirt and cupped her bare cheeks. The next thing she knew, her feet were off the ground again.

Kim grabbed his shoulders as she was lifted. But before she could wrap her legs around his waist, he deposited her onto the hood of the car—the cool metal soothing the abused skin of her ass.

She didn’t have a lot of time to think about that, however, before he lowered himself on top of her and captured her mouth with his. He hitched her leg up until it was braced on his shoulder. She was open and exposed and completely and totally ready for him. Her sex pulsed in anticipation of him filling her.

He probed her opening before pushing two fingers inside. His tongue mimicked the movement of his fingers, plunging in and out, twisting and massaging. She was so close to coming. All she needed was a little pressure to her clit and she’d be flying.

But he didn’t give her what she wanted. Instead, he moved lower, rimming her asshole with his finger. “Once you’re in my bed permanently, I’m going to start plugging your ass. I want you nice and ready for me when I take you here.”

She sucked in a breath. They’d talked a little about anal sex when they’d gone over their lists, but she hadn’t thought too much about it. Anal sex was one of many things she’d never tried, but she’d seen it at the club. It was something that both intrigued her and made her nervous to try. “Will I like it, Sir?”

“Based on your reaction to me just doing this...” He ran his finger once more around the outside of her hole, then pushed the tip inside.

She sucked in a breath. It wasn’t painful, but it felt weird and so...forbidden.

“But not tonight.” His hand moved to her hip. He reached between them, and then she felt the tip of his cock.

When he didn’t move, she arched her back, trying to encourage him.

He slapped her hip in response. The sting heated her skin even more. “Stop being so impatient. You’ll get my cock when I say and not a moment before, understand?”

“I’m sorry, Sir. It’s just that I’ve been dreaming about this all day, and I want to feel you inside me.”

Justin groaned and he shifted. He pushed them higher onto the car until they were both on top of the hood.

The movement had pushed her clothing up even more. Her sweater was bunched up around her armpits. She debated whether to wear a bra or not when visiting him. Going without panties was one thing, but no bra was another thing entirely. She wasn’t a big girl in that respect, but she wasn’t tiny either.

In the end, she’d left her bra at home. A decision she was now very happy about. Justin’s gaze lowered to her breasts and without a word, he sucked her nipple into his mouth.

Kim moaned and threaded her fingers into his hair. She’d never been a big fan of men playing with her nipples before, but now she was realizing that was because they were too gentle. There was no light suction or licking. Justin went all in when it came to sex and that included playing with her breasts.

He grabbed her wrists and brought them above her head—pinning her hands against the windshield. Heat rushed to her pussy. She loved it when he held her down like this. There was something about it that sent her pulse racing in the best possible way.

Then he flexed his hips and thrust into her. His cock filled her, pushing inside until he couldn’t get any farther. She felt full and hot and needy. “Please, fuck me, Sir. I need your cock.”

Justin groaned, pulled out, and plunged deep into her. He released her nipple and devoured her mouth instead. The hard surface of the car was a sharp contrast to his body as he took her. Her ass was still burning, but it was all sensation and she welcomed it.

He began rolling his hips each time he thrust, giving her clit the friction it so desperately needed. She was so close. All she needed was a little...

Her orgasm hit her, and she couldn’t stop the scream that tore through her. He attempted to swallow her cries, but they echoed in the spacious room.

As she was coming down from her high, she felt him shudder as he found his own release. His groan sent another shock wave of pleasure through her system, and she treasured it. He was hers.

“What the fuck?”

It took Justin a moment to register the words. He’d been so caught up in Kim that nothing else had mattered. When he turned his head, though, all the pleasure he’d felt was replaced with dread. There, standing on the other side of the bay, was Mark.

Justin released Kim’s wrists, but that was about as far as he got before Mark was on him. His best friend grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him off Kim. He stumbled, the jeans constricting his ability to find his balance, and he hit the floor with a solid thud.

Scrambling to his feet, his gaze went to Kim. She was staring wide-eyed at her brother, who was advancing on Justin. Her clothes were still in disarray, and she seemed more concerned with the situation than with her current state of undress.

It was because he was focused on Kim that he hadn’t seen Mark’s fist coming. A jolt of pain surged through his jaw.

He shuffled back a few steps, then stood to his full height, rubbing his jaw. Nothing felt broken, but it was going to leave a bruise.

Mark took a step forward, but Justin was ready for him this time. “You caught me off guard before. Try it again and I’ll put your ass on the ground.”

It wasn’t an idle threat. Justin had at least forty pounds on Mark and was in better shape. In a real fight, there was no doubt which one of them would win. Justin didn’t want to fight his best friend, but he wasn’t going to be his punching bag either.

Conflict in his eyes, Mark seemed to be considering his options. “What the hell are you doing to my sister?”


Mark whirled around, facing Kim for the first time. “Fuck! Kim, are you all right? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

She adjusted her clothes, covering herself. “I’m fine.” She slid off the hood of the car. “At least I was before you showed up and decked my boyfriend.” Her hands went to her hips, and she stared her brother down.

Pride filled him. His woman was a spitfire. It only made her willing submission to him more meaningful.

Justin took the opportunity to put his jeans back in place while Mark’s attention wasn’t on him. He wasn’t worried about Mark hurting Kim. Yell at her? Get in her face? Yeah, maybe. But Mark was usually more bluster than action. He had to be really worked up for it to come to blows and he would never hit a woman.

“Your boyfriend?” Mark’s voice went up an octave.

Kim stood up straight and met her brother’s gaze. “Yes. My boyfriend.”

When Mark turned back to Justin, he didn’t look anywhere close to pacified. “What are you doing with my sister?”


“I’m asking him, Kim.” Mark narrowed his eyes at Justin. “You have no idea the twisted games he likes to play with women. What he likes to do to them. What he gets off on. You probably don’t know that he’s—”

This time, she cut him off. “He’s a Dominant.”

Mark’s head whipped back around, and his eyes widened. Justin could see the wheels turning in his friend’s head as he put the scene he’d walked in on into perspective. “You can’t...”

Kim stalked toward her brother and pointed a finger at his chest. “You don’t get to tell me what I can and can’t do, big brother. I’m thirty-two years old. I can have sex with whoever I want, any way I want. Got it?”

Silence hung in the air for what felt like forever. Justin wanted to go to Kim, pull her into his arms, and make the last few minutes go away. Her showing up at the shop had been a bright light to the otherwise miserable day. And loving her was the icing on the cake. It made everything that had gone wrong seem unimportant. When she was with him, the rest of the world didn’t matter.

But had he known the evening would end like this, he would have left his work and followed her home. They could have warmed up the pizza, and she wouldn’t be standing in the middle of his shop having a stare down with her brother.

Mark finally got his voice back. “You’re not submissive.”

“How would you know what I like in the bedroom?” She wasn’t backing down and Justin felt a smile tug at his lips.

Again, his friend was tongue-tied.

Justin wanted to go to Kim, but that would mean he’d have to get within arm’s reach of Mark, and he was trying to prevent a fight. Kim didn’t need to see that.

Then Mark walked over to the wall and leaned against it. Justin wasted no time going to Kim’s side. He wanted to hold her, but he kept his hands to himself for now.

Mark ran a hand over the top of his head. “How long?” He swallowed. “How long have you been fucking my sister?”

Justin blew out a breath. Before he answered, he circled his arm around Kim’s waist, staking his claim. “Officially, a little over two weeks ago.”

His friend snorted. “What about unofficially?”

Kim answered this time. “About four months.”

Mark’s eyes narrowed and he stared at Justin. Then his gaze moved to Kim. They weren’t as hostile, but they weren’t overly friendly either. “This is what you wanted to tell the family Wednesday.”

It wasn’t a question, but Kim answered anyway. “Yes.” She looked up at Justin, her eyes softening. “We want to be together, and we’re tired of hiding.”

“You shouldn’t have hidden it in the first place,” her brother snapped.

Justin pulled his gaze away from Kim’s and looked at Mark. “You would have been okay with it if we’d announced our intentions first?”

“Hell no!” Mark pushed himself away from the wall. “I can’t believe you would betray me...our friendship like this.”

“My relationship with Justin has nothing to do with your friendship,” Kim said.

“Of course it does.” Mark shook his head as if trying to clear it. “He’s told me about some of the things he’s done to the women he’s been with. I can’t...I can’t think about him doing that kind of stuff to you.”

Kim started to respond, but Mark held up his hand to stop her. “I can’t do this right now. I need to think.”

Mark started to the door and Kim made to go after him.

Justin held her back. “Let him go.”


“He’s right. He needs time to process everything. Let’s give him that.”

Justin thought she might argue, but she nodded and turned to rest her head on his chest. After a moment, she lifted her hands to his face. “How’s your jaw?”

“Sore. It’ll be bruised by morning.”

She rose on her tiptoes and placed a soft kiss on his skin. “He shouldn’t have hit you.”

Justin shrugged. “I’m sleeping with his sister. It could have been worse.”

Kim didn’t look any happier. “We should put some ice on it.”

“I’ve got some at home.” He cupped her face and rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip. It was still swollen from his kisses.

She leaned into his touch. “I didn’t want Mark to find out this way.”

“Neither did I, but what’s done is done. We can’t change it.” He let his arm fall to his side. “Give me a minute to lock things up, and then we’ll get out of here.”

It took a little longer than that to make sure everything was secure and make their way out to their vehicles. He gave her a soft kiss before she climbed behind the wheel of her car. “I’ll see you at home,” she said before closing the door.

Home. Their home. He really liked the sound of that.