Page 17 of His Forbidden Kiss


Justin closed his eyes as her warm lips encircled his length. He let her set the pace, wanting to see what she would do.

She was tentative at first, gently licking and sucking his length. It was torture when all he wanted was to sink deeper into her mouth, but he forced himself to remain still. At least, for now.

After a few minutes of exploring, she picked up the pace, seeming to gain confidence. It felt amazing having her hot mouth engulf him, but it wasn’t enough. He tightened his hold on her head and pressed forward with his hips, taking control.

Slowly, so she could get used to him, he increased the speed of his thrusts, going a little deeper each time until he was hitting the back of her throat. Justin both felt and heard her gag a little, so he eased up to allow her to adjust. He gazed down at her. “Relax and breathe through your nose.”

He waited for her to take a couple of breaths.

“Are you all right?”

She nodded, not releasing her hold on his cock.

“Good girl. I’m not going to push you too hard today, but I am going to fuck your face and come down your throat.”

She stared up at him, her eyes telling him she was as into this as he was. He wondered how wet her panties were and knew he wanted to find out, but not before he’d found release. Having her suck him off was something he’d been dreaming about for longer than he cared to think about.

“Since your mouth is otherwise engaged, if you need to use your safeword, tap on my wrist three times. Otherwise, you will take what I give you.” Increasing his hold on her hair, he didn’t wait for a response before surging deep into her mouth again.

She gagged again but then focused on breathing each time he pulled out. Soon, she was able to adapt to his rhythm. “That’s it. Take what I give you. You look so beautiful on your knees sucking my cock, baby.”

He noticed her breathing slowed even more and her eyes dilated to nearly black at his words. His girl liked it when he talked dirty. He was going to have to remember that and use it to his advantage.

With two hands fisted in her hair, he focused on watching his hard length move between her lips. Her tongue massaged the underside of his cock, coaxing his orgasm closer and closer. He could feel it building in his balls and knew it wouldn’t be long.

As the surge built at the base of his cock, Justin began thrusting harder. “Swallow every drop.”

It was the only warning he gave. Seconds later, he was coming—shooting streams of cum into her mouth and down her throat.

Justin felt her swallow around him and eased his grip on her hair. He took a steadying breath before stepping back. Extending his hand, he helped her to stand. Then, without warning, he crushed her to him and kissed her.

Kim didn’t miss a beat. She threaded her fingers into his hair and wrapped one leg around his waist. His jeans were still around his ankles, throwing him off balance with the force of her movement.

He fell against the wall, taking her with him, but he didn’t stop kissing her. Instead, Justin hiked her leg higher on his hip. The position opened her legs wider, making him wish she wasn’t wearing jeans. “From now on, when you enter this room, you will either be wearing a skirt or nothing. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Her breathing was labored, drawing attention to her breasts, but they would have to wait until later. He had other priorities.

Setting her legs back on the ground, he took a step back and pulled his own jeans back into place. “Strip.”

She blinked. “Now?”

He folded his arms and waited.

After only a moment’s hesitation, she began removing her clothes. Her sweater went first, revealing a brown lacey bra that clasped in the front. Next to go were her jeans. She shimmied them down her hips and kicked them over to join her sweater. Her panties matched her bra, the lace giving hints of the silky skin beneath.

She removed the bra first, tossing it onto the floor with the rest of her clothes. Her nipples were hard and begging for him to suck them as she bent to remove her panties. His mouth watered as she lowered the fabric down her legs and stepped out of them.

Before she could throw them in the pile with the others, he held out his hand. “Give them to me.”

Kim froze. “You want my panties? Why?”

“Did you forget where we are?” he asked.

She glanced around the room, then back at him. He could see the wheels turning in her head as if she were trying to decide whether to hand over her underwear. After seeming to consider her options, she stepped forward and handed him her panties.

Justin took them and tucked them into his front pocket. He’d planned to get her off before they began preparing for tonight, but it seemed she needed a reminder that she was the submissive in the relationship.

He walked over to the bed and sat down. “Lie across my lap, your ass in the air.”

Kim looked uncertain as she crossed the room and lay across his lap.

He waited for her to get settled. “What did I tell you would happen if you disobeyed me?”

She lowered her forehead to the mattress. “That my ass would be feeling it, Sir.”

“That’s correct.” Justin rubbed his hand along her bottom. “And was I unclear when I told you to hand me your panties?”

“No, Sir.”

Learning to give up control was going to be the hardest part for Kim and we both knew it. But if this was the type of relationship she wanted, then she was going to have to learn to obey her Dom. “You’ll receive ten swats for your disobedience.”

He didn’t wait for a response before landing the first blow to her ass.

“Ow!” She reached back a hand to shield her ass.

“Remove your hand and keep them on the bed or I’ll get rope to secure them.”

Kim brought her arm to rest over her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

He landed two more smacks to her ass in quick succession. This wasn’t a playful spanking like before. This was discipline.

“Please.” Despite her pleading, she kept her hands flat on the bed.

Justin didn’t want to draw this out any more than he needed to, so he ignored her protests and the tears sliding down her cheeks and finished what he was doing. After the final hit landed on her now rosy ass, he massaged the warm flesh several times before helping her to sit up.

He went to wipe the moisture from her face, but she brushed his hands away. As much as that irked him, he let it go. She was new to this and he knew that once she realized having a D/s dynamic involved more than kinky fun, she might decide this lifestyle wasn’t for her.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

“I’m fine.” She shifted on his lap. “May I get up now, Sir?”

“Not yet.”

Her eyes flashed to his and he saw the anger boiling beneath the surface. Kim had always had a temper. He’d seen it a lot when she was a teenager, but he’d been lucky enough to steer clear of it for the most part. “Do you understand why I punished you?”

“Yes. Sir.”

She was definitely angry.

Justin wondered whether he should push the issue or let her calm down first. He decided to let it go. For the time being anyway. “Get dressed, and then we have some shopping to do before we head to the club tonight.”

Kim stood and marched over to retrieve her clothes. She kept her back to him while she dressed.

“I’ll be in the living room. Come out when you’re done.”

“Is that an order, Sir?”

He sighed. “A request.”

Not waiting for a reply, Justin left her to finish.

He ducked into his room and threw on a shirt, socks, and shoes before heading into the living room. Scraping a hand over his face, he fell back against the couch. That hadn’t gone the way he’d hoped. Then again, he knew embarking on this with her wouldn’t be easy. But he thought they’d make it past the first few hours before hitting their first hurdle. For all he knew, she would walk into the living room and tell him off.

Maybe that would be for the best. At least, they’d know they’d tried and that it didn’t work. It wasn’t as if they hadn’t gone over everything beforehand. She’d known what she was getting into. In theory, anyway.

Kim had finished dressing and began to pace. How dare he spank her like that. Her ass was still burning.

Her gaze drifted over to the bed where he’d dulled out his punishment. This hadn’t been like the spanking he’d given her the last time. Their night together had been about pleasure. There was no pleasure in what she’d just experienced.

She’d given him her stupid underwear. Granted, she hadn’t given them to him right away. And she’d question him why he’d wanted them. But did that mean she deserved to be humiliated?

Kim blew out a breath. She needed to calm down. He was out there waiting for her and whether she felt like it or not, she was going to have to face him sooner or later.

Squaring her shoulders, she stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her. He was waiting for her in the living room, exactly where he’d said he’d be.

As soon as he saw her, he stood. She’d expected him to look smug, but instead he appeared worried. That took some of the wind out of her sails.

Neither said anything for the longest time. He was the first one to break the silence. “Did you want to sit down?”

“No,” she snapped, unable to help herself. “My butt is a little sore at the moment.”

He sighed. “We need to talk about what happened.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

“Of course there is.” He started to take a step toward her, then thought better of it. “Have you changed your mind?”

“Why do you keep asking me that?” That was beginning to irritate her more than her tender backside.

Justin rubbed his hand along the back of his neck, then dropped it back down to his side. “I know how strong-willed you are. Being submissive is about giving up control.”

“I know that.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before meeting his gaze again. “Look, I know I should have given you my panties when you asked. I just wasn’t expecting you...”

“To spank you?”

“Yes.” She crossed her arms. “I’m not sure what I expected. At the time, I just didn’t understand why you wanted my underwear. I still don’t.”

This time, he came to stand in front of her. He must have realized the biggest part of the storm was over. “It doesn’t matter why I wanted them. I’m your Dom. As my submissive, you need to do what I ask you to do or use your safeword. That’s how this works.”

“I’m not sure I can do that.”

He chuckled. “Then you’d better get used to having a sore ass.”

She narrowed her eyes at him.

Justin held his ground and waited to see what she’d do.

As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. She could either suck it up and follow the rules, not follow the rules and deal with the consequences, or throw in the towel. Walking away wasn’t an option. Not after less than a day. Which meant she either needed to learn how to follow his instructions or, as he put it, get used to having a sore ass.

She decided to change the subject. “You said we had shopping to do?”

He hesitated for a moment, then answered her question. “Yes. I want to get you something to wear for tonight.”

“I have clothes I wear to the club at home.”

“Are you disagreeing with your Dom again?” he asked.

“We’re not playing. I’m allowed to disagree as much as I want.”

Justin laughed. “True.” He ran the back of his hand down the side of her face and along her collarbone. “But this has to do with playing, so it falls under my domain.”

She huffed, but there wasn’t any heat in it. “Fine. Can I at least get my underwear back?”


Thirty minutes later, they pulled up in front of a store called Leather and Lace. She’d never been there before, but given the name, she had an inkling of what type of clothing they’d have inside.

He rounded the car and opened her door. Kim stepped out, making sure there wasn’t anyone watching, then waited for him to lock up the car. Even though she was wearing jeans, she felt naked without her panties. She couldn’t believe he hadn’t given them back.

Justin reached for her hand and laced their fingers together like it was the most natural thing in the world. And besides her discomfort going commando in public, it kind of was. She with him. Not that she didn’t feel safe before, but it was different. “Your brother doesn’t venture to this side of town often. We’re safe.”

He thought she was worried about her brother seeing them. Well, she was. Kind of. But in truth, it was the clothes situation that had her uncomfortable more than anything else.

Inside wasn’t exactly what she’d expected. The store was bright and open with lots of clothes. As the title suggested, most of the clothing had either leather or lace.

He guided them through the racks, stopping to look closer at a few items. Kim kept her comments to herself. This was play-related and she needed to remember that he was in charge.

At one point, he held up a bodysuit that revealed more than it covered. She wasn’t sure she’d be comfortable walking about the club in something like that. Some subs did. Hell, some of the subs didn’t wear any clothing at all. But that wasn’t her. She didn’t get off on other people seeing her naked.

“Excuse me,” he said to the woman behind the counter. “Do you have a fitting room?”

“Of course. Right this way.”

Justin handed Kim a black leather skirt and a tiny white top. He nodded for her to follow the woman. “I want to see what it looks like on you.”

Kim froze and leaned in to whisper so only he would hear. “But I’m not wearing underwear, remember?”

A grin stretched across his face. “There’s nothing wrong with my memory.”

When she realized he was serious, Kim debated her options. In the end, she took the clothes from him and headed toward the fitting room.

“Let me know if you need a different size,” the woman said before leaving her to try on her items.

For the second time that day, Kim stripped. She took her time, folding her clothes and laying them on the bench inside the small room before reaching for the skirt and top.

To her surprise, the skirt wasn’t bad. Not something she would have chosen for herself, but at least it covered everything. It hugged her curves and had the right amount of detail to be flattering. The top, however, was a different story. Not that it wasn’t flattering, exactly, but it left little to the imagination. It barely covered her breasts, dipping low to show off as much cleavage as possible.

Her belly was on full display as well. Normally, she wasn’t self-conscious about her body, but this outfit was definitely out of her comfort zone.

Knowing she couldn’t stay in there forever, she gathered her courage and opened the door. He was right outside, waiting.

When she stopped in the doorway, he motioned her out. “I want to see the whole picture. Come closer and turn so I can see the back.”

She did as she was told, turning in a slow circle.

He was smiling when she faced him again.

“It doesn’t cover much,” she said, even though she knew it was useless. He obviously liked the outfit and she was ninety-nine percent sure she would be wearing it tonight.

“I can always have you try on the bodysuit instead.”

She should have known he’d say that. “I like this better.”

“So do I.” He cupped her face and gave her a hard kiss. “Get changed and we’ll head back.”

Without another word, she returned to the dressing room and changed back into her jeans and sweater.

She found him at the register. He already had a bag in his hand but didn’t seem keen on sharing with her whatever was in it. At least not yet. Kim had a feeling she’d know exactly what was in the bag before the night was over.

“Everything fit all right?” the woman asked.

“Yes. Everything fit. Thank you.”

The woman finished ringing up the items and Justin paid. Kim waited for him to finish, then followed him outside. After placing the bags in the trunk, they both climbed into the car and headed back home.

“Do you have any shoes that will go with that outfit or do we need to stop and get shoes, too?” he asked.

“I have some black boots that will work, I think.”

He took her hand and brought her fingers to his lips. “Thank you for trusting me.”

Trust wasn’t the issue. Not the trusting him part, anyway. She trusted him with her life. Justin wouldn’t hurt her. She knew that.

Her problem was she didn’t know how to get her brain to shut off. But she knew if this was going to work, she was going to have to figure it out. She only hoped he didn’t give up on her first.