He wasn't that bad looking.

He was tall and muscular, and he has green eyes.

""I know! How long can those girls hide for?! Geez.

"" Another blonde boy said.

He was talk and muscular too, but he had blue eyes.

""Those 2 boys are Turner and Ryan.

They are twins.

Turner has blue eyes, and Ryan has green eyes.

They are part of Axel's group.

Axel, Stephan, Tim, Caleb, Mark, and the twins.

You can not separate them.

"" She said laughing.

""But Axel, Mark, and Caleb are the closest.

They tell each other everything.

"" ""Stephan! I can't find them anywhere!"" Ryan said on the phone.

I has to strain my werewolf hearing to listen.

But surprisingly, we could hear the conversation.

Stephan talks pretty loud if ya ask me.

""You need to find them.


I don't want to buy them icecream.

And 2.

If we lose them, then Axel AND Mark will kill us.

So find rhem!"" Stephan said laughing.

An hour passed, and we are still hidden inside the underwear in Victoria Secret.

We are laughing and telling each other secrets when we are rudely interrupted by Stephan.

""˜Girls where are you! We are worried.

Please tell me you are still hiding.

We give up, you win""¦ Meet us in front of Victoria Secret.

I can't believe we lost""¦' He mumbled.