She snapped her fingers and pointed to my stomach.

""The baby?! She laughed.

""Ding ding ding!"" I laughed with her.

""You girls ready to go?"" Stephan asked us.

We nodded and walked to the car.

""My ladies.

"" Stephan said in a British accent while he held open the door for us.

""Why thankyou good sir.

"" I said.

Taylor looked at us like we were crazy and busted out laughing.

The entire car ride was spent talking in different accents.

We even got the other guards to join in.

It was hard for some because they barely even smile, like at all.

They are way to serious.

But thanks to some puppy dog eyes, some pouting, and bribery, it worked.

I offered them that if they talked in different accents for the rest of the ride to the city, then I would pay for their icecream.

They thought about it for a moment then agreed.

They had some pretty good accents and they actually smiled.

We all had a good time.

We were sitting at the tables laughing and the guards that never smile, keep talking in all sorts of accents.

I guess they just needed a push.

We were having a good time when Carter mind-linked me.

""˜Skylar, I need your help.


CarterToday has been so hard.

I have been acting like I forgot Taylor's birthday, and all this morning she had been dropping hints about it too.

I would crack a smile once in awhile but I had to quickly cover it up so she wouldn't know about the surprise birthday party I'm planning for her tonight.

After breakfast I told her I had to go do some ""˜alpha stuff'.

She gave me a sad smile and it honestly hurt to see her like this.

She said okay and told me she was gonna go see Skylar.