I hopped out of the shower and got dressed.
I used Axel's body wash to get rid of the smell of the perfume and to make it look like I was here the whole day.
I walked downstairs and sat next to the girls who were currently watching Percy Jackson.
They were at the part where Luke gives Percy the flying shoes with wings so that they can go find the pearls.
I have to admit, Logan Lerman""¦.
Oh! I can't forget about the guy who plays Luke.
Don't know his real name though""¦.
I have to remember to look that up.
He handed Percy his favorite shield when the front door flew open.
""I swear, those girls are in so much freaking trouble when they get-"" Axel stopped and looked up at us.
""Why are we gonna be in so much trouble?"" I asked curiously.
""˜Girls rule!' My wolf says with pride.
I laughed at her and look at the 4 guys with shock written all over their faces.
""Are you guys okay?"" Elyse asked ""˜worried.
'""What happened?"" Jaz asked running over to Mark.
Heh, she's a pretty good actress.
I give her props.
Elyse and I follow suite and run up to our mates.
""Why are you guys panting?"" I asked them.
""And sweating?"" Elyse asked retracting her hands from Ryan's chest.
""How? But""¦you.
mall""¦I give up.
"" The guard said.
"" He nodded his head to us and walked outside.
Jaz gave us each a smirk when the guys weren't looking.
""I thought""¦the mall""¦.