""Come on.
I'll introduce you to the girls.
"" ""I'd love that.
"" She smiled.
""Wait!"" I yelled/whispered.
""What?"" Tristan asked concerned.
""The only people that know about me being pregnant are the girls, me, the doc, and you 3.
So please keep it that way.
"" ""Of course Luna.
"" Jaz said.
""Please call me Skylar.
"" I smiled.
She nodded and smiled back.
""Guys promise me.
"" Stephan and Tristan nodded.
""I can't wait!"" Stephan said smiling.
""Is it a girl? Because if so, I'm gonna be extremely protective of her.
"" Tristan said.
Stephan nodded in agreement.
""It's a boy.
A strong, healthy boy.
"" I smiled down at my stomach.
He's gonna be a st
ud muffin!"" Stephan said laughing.
""He's gonna be bad ass and get all the girls.
"" Tristan smiled.
""No cussing in front of him!"" I yelled at him.
He put his hands up and laughed.
""So this explains all the mood swings.